Friday, December 28, 2007

Joey turns 12!

Today is Joey's 12th birthday. One more year and he will be a teen! He is having a sleepover with 7 of his friends and the noise from the basement is just CRAZY!!! They will calm down though, right??? So here are some pictures of him today. I took them with my crappy Sony so they are not the best!!

My boys and Belle

Joe! (If you click this to open it you will see a small little smile)

Jimmy, Joey, Danny, and Belle

Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm Done!

Well I am officially done with my first semester of full time school! My finals were done last Thursday but now grades have been posted and I really feel done. The kids are done today and we will all be on break, even Phil. His plant is having a mandatory shut down until January 4th. We are all looking forward to having some time off together!

Joey had his first band concert on December 17th. They did really good. I was expecting a lot of squeeks and mistakes but I didn't hear them. I was really impressed. Phil had to work that night, :( ,but we did video tape it for him. Phil's parents were able to make it though and we were really glad to have them there. They were both impressed with Joey's school and he enjoyed showing them where he spends his days. My mom also had to work that night and was missed, but we totally understand! Here a two pictures of that night.

Don't let my hat fool you, there is a lot of hair in there, he is taller than me!

Joey with his Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom! He's got a ways to go until he is taller than them!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jimmy turns 10!!!!

I can not believe that it has been 10 years already! I feel so old saying this, but time really does fly! Since it has been a whole decade since he was born I thought that I would take a trip down memory lane and talk about the day that he was born.

Ten years ago right now I was still enjoying that cute, fat 10 lb baby boy. He looked perfect and exactly like Phil. Who knew that at 9:15 that night my world would be turned upside down when the nurse woke me up to tell me there was a problem with the baby. By 10:30 they were wheeling him into my room in an incubator and living off of a machine. The nurse was telling me that I should tell my baby goodbye. I stuck my hand through the little hole on the side, grabbed his hand and told him how much him mommy loved him. Five minutes later he was in a helicopter on his way to Rockford Memorial. He was diagnosed there with Transposition of the Great Vessels and sent immediately to Christ Hospital in Chicago. Phil and his family followed the helicopter all night long from Woodstock, to Rockford, and finally to Chicago. I was in my dark hospital room, with a huge incision from the cesarean, with my mom. She gave me an extra pillow to put on my incision, climbed into my bed, held me tight and told me to just go ahead and cry. I became the baby in my mom's arms that night. I don't know how I would have made it through the night with out her.

Three days later I was on my way to Christ Hospital. Now it was my turn to be strong and be the mom. I stood by Jimmy's bed as long as the nurses would allow me to. They kept getting angry with me and telling me that I was doing too much being that I was post op. I knew better. A mom can never do too much!

At six days old he was taken into surgery. Again the doctors' and the nurses' told us that we should have a moment with the baby. Phil told him that he loved him and had to leave the room. I leaned in reaching around all of the tubes that were keeping my precious baby boy alive and whispered Our Father and then Now I lay me down to sleep into his ear.

His surgery lasted 6 and a half hours. Those were truly the longest 6 and half hours of my life. I just sat there, numb, without any emotion staring at the carpet. Still today I have the design of the carpet ingrained in my brain. When it was finally over they said that Phil and I could go in and see him.He had a whole room to himself. Here he was this tiny little baby on a tiny little bed in a room filled with machines. Each one doing a different job to keep his tiny heart beating and lungs breathing. He had tubes every where. Not even his bald little head was spared because that is where one of the IVs was located. I was not allowed to speak because every time that I did his heart beat would go through the roof. I just sat silently rubbing my thumb along the top of his hand. We were only allowed to stay in there about 10 minutes.

When we went back into the waiting room and I saw my mom the flood gates finally broke. The emotions of the day just flew out of me as I fell into her arms. I was inconsolable. I had been so scared all week that we were going to lose him and I had held it all in wanting to be strong. Now that the worst was over, I could let go.

He ended up spending 3 weeks at Christ Hospital. There were ups and downs through that time but nothing like the actual day of surgery. Poor Joey was being bounced around like a beach ball from family member to family member. Thank God he was an easy going 2 year old and that we had such a helpful family. Phil and I never could have made it through this on our own. It was with family at our side every step of the way that we made it through.

Jimmy has never really stopped giving us challenges. He was the much fussier infant, the impossible toddler, the super attached preschooler, and the student that hates school. However, if you doubled all of the drama you would have the joy and laughter Jimmy brings into our lives every day. I still thank God for our little miracle!

Happy 10th birthday Jimmy, I love you.

P.S. My sister-in-law Kate captured the whole couple of weeks with pictures. At the time I remember telling her that I was never going to want to look at these again. However ten years later I am grateful to her for that. So, here are some of the pictures of that time. Thanks Kate!!

Molly and Phil ~ Visiting Jimmy in the NICU
Molly and Phil ~ Visiting Jimmy in the NICU
Baby Jimmy in the NICU ~ That adult hand is Phil's

Joey and Jimmy meet for the first time 12-20-97
This is the first time I held Jimmy 12-17-97 He was still hooked up to some machines as you can see. He went home 3 days later.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Update on Joe's "growth"

We went to the Dr. yesterday and walked out still not knowing much. The Dr. looked at it for about 5 seconds, looked up at me and said, "Is there any skin cancer in the family?" I told him that there is skin cancer all over on my mom's side of the family. He said, "Hmmmm??? We are going to need to take a culture of this."

As he was taking a culture I showed him another one that was growing right on above the current one. It is really tiny and flesh toned. I explained to him that this one looked exactly like that when it started. He looked up and me and said, "Yeah, that's not a wart. Wart's don't look like that."

So, he sent us home with some cream to apply twice a day and we need to keep band-aid's on there. He is thinking that we will have the results by Monday, Tuesday at the latest.

Now you know what I know! Does anyone in the medical field have any thoughts on what might be going on?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

Well I just have my village left and I will be all done with my Christmas decorations. It has taked me 3 days to get to this point. I really love our house at Christmas. Every single room gets decorated in every way. I literally remove the pictures from the wall and hang up Christmas pictures, or huge Santas, or wreaths. Christmas decortations are put on every shelf. Every banister is covered in garland and lights. It is like being in a new home for a month.

This is truly my favorite time of year. I love driving through the neighborhoods looking at all of the decorated houses. I love the music on the radio. I really love the giving spirt that most people have.

Last year we started a new tradition of staying home for Christmas Eve instead of going to my aunt and uncles with the whole family. Joey is turning 12 and we just feel like it is time to get some traditions in place for the four of us. This year we are going to do the same thing with a little twist. Instead of just sitting at home, cozy in front of the fire, we are going to go out and do some good. We are searching for a soup kitchen in or around Rockford that we could go to and serve some meals. After that we will come home and have our Christmas movies and fire just like last year. I really believe that this will show the boys the real meaning and spirit of Christmas. Not to mention that it will really make them appreciate the Christmas that they get here at our house.

On a medical note Joey has got something strange going on with his back. A few months back he showed me a growth on his lower left back. I told him that I thought it was a pimple and that it would go away. It was still there a few weeks later and I said that maybe it was a wart and we would keep an eye on it. Well it has continued to grow and is now changing color from flesh toned to red. I of course called the Dr. and we go in tomorrow at 2:00. Hopefully it will be something that they can remove right there in the office and we can be on our way. I will keep you updated.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Congratulations to my MOM!!

For those of you who don't know, my mom got a new job with Pace Bus Co. She was hired on a couple of weeks ago and has been training since. She went to Elk Grove Village yesterday and passed her 2nd big CDL test! The first one was about a week ago when she got her permit. It is official now! She has her CDL and will begin shadowing for the next couple of days and then will be driving on her own.

We all know that it is hard to start something new, especially when that means tons of learning and studying. Please send her a little note of congrats when you get a minute.

Way to go, Mom. We all love you!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Take off your shoes!

Well, I registered for next semester yesterday. I am really excited because I got all of the classes that I wanted and they are all on Tuesday and Thursday. I will have the rest of the week to do my studies and keep up my house. The other bonus is that out of 4 classes I only need 2 books! That is the best news and is going to save us tons of money. So next semester I will have Math, Speech, Psychology, and Art for teachers. I am looking forward to having some new classes and having a change.

Dawn and I went to David's Bridal today and got measured for our bridesmaids dresses for Amy's wedding. They were beautiful and we were both so excited!! Good choice, Amy!!

The boys are good. They have both had colds this week but still went to school. Joey is working on having perfect attendance because Phil had it when he was in 6th grade. They know that because they found the old award in a box down stairs. :-}

So, funny Jimmy story. While we were out trick or treating my niece Ellie ran up to us half crying and saying she didn't want to take off her shoes. We looked at her really surprised and said, "Of course you should not take off your shoes, we are trick or treating outside." She says, "But Jimmy said that we had to take off our shoes." I look up and there is Jimmy with all of his buddies in stockings ringing the person's door bell. I said, "Jimmy what on earth are you doing in you socks?" He says, completely seriously, "The sign on the door says 'TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES'" At this point all of the adults are laughing as I turn to Jimmy and say, "Only if you are going IN their house, Jimmy!!!!" He turns around to look at me, starts to blush and says, "OH!" All of the kids bend down, put their shoes back on and run to the next house. So, if you ever wondered where blond jokes came from, now you know!!!! This is the child that wants to go alone next year???

P.S. Let me know what you think of the new layout. I try to change it up every once and a while.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Good morning everyone! Or afternoon or evening depending on when you are reading this. Today is going to be super crazy for me but I am going to enjoy every second. I have school until 12:00. I have to rush out of there and pick up a few last min things for Jimmy's classroom party. Speed over to Jimmy's school and run his party.

Then we need to hurry home do all of the homework that they have and get everyone in costumes for trick or treating. This won't be as big of a deal as it used to be because the boys are pretty much on their own for that. We will then spend all evening trick or treating and visiting with friends and neighbors. We will get home again around 8 pm. We will finish up the boys homework, get them ready for tomorrow and get them in bed aroudnd 9. Then, I get to start my 2-3 hours of math homework. Pray for me! I can already predict that Belle will not be getting her 5 am walk tomorrow, I will be too tired.

I am going to enjoy every second of this because this is my last year to go trick or treating. We let Joey go alone for the first time last year when he was in 5th grade and Jimmy hasn't forgotten it. He has mentioned it many times this month that he IS going alone next year just like Joey did. So, another chapter in my life is about to close. That is the thing with Jimmy, every one of his lasts are my lasts too and we have totally seperate emotions about it. He is thrilled that this is his last year and all that I can do is remember that little baby dressed like Pooh Bear that wouldn't even walk up to a door without me!


Friday, October 26, 2007

Where have I been???

I can not believe that it has been almost a month since I last blogged. Thanks for the scolding, Amy! Life has been crazy, crazy, crazy around here. It just doesn't feel like there is a spare second in the day. So, I will update you by family member.

Phil has officially quit smoking and I am so proud of him. He has gone with the patch which is doing some really crazy things to him. He said that he is having the strangest dreams since he has been on it and we have talked to other people who experienced the same thing. He is going on day 4 now and it actually seems to be getting harder on him instead of easier. He's doing it though and the boys and I could not be happier.

I got my mid term grades the other day. Two A's and two B's! I would love to pull those B's up to A's so I will have to work extra hard in Biology and Math.

I have started yet another diet. I am sure that it will be blown on Saturday at the party, but at least I tried right!? I just need to be more disciplined with myself which all sounds great until I see the food or pass the coffee shop at school. I just can't resist a huge plate of pasta or bowl of ice cream or my French Vanilla Latte. I honestly think that if I lived alone I could do it because I just wouldn't have those things in the house. However Phil is not ready to give those things up so they are all over the house. I have been up and down so many times in my life and I just wish that I could find the diet that would work for me. Ahhh, someday! Not too much else is going on with me.

Joey is doing great in school. He has another dance tonight which he is excited about because he had a lot of fun at the last one. He is getting pretty good at playing his sax. No mind you it is only Mary Had a Little Lamb, but you can tell that he is comfortable with the instrument and the notes are just flowing out of his hands. It isns't like he has to sit and think about each note as he goes along. He sees it on the page and just knows. I think that is great because I never had a talant for any instrument. He will have a Christmas concert in December and I can't wait to see how the whole band has done.

Jimmy is also doing well. His football season ened last Saturday on a good note because they won the game in overtime. The over all season wasn't that great, we lost 6 and won 2. Jimmy only got to experience a win one time because the other win was on the day of Mary's wedding. He went on a field trip yesterday to Midway Village. Midway Villge is litterally a step back in time to the 1890's. It is the size of a village with homes and the old time bank and merchantile. There is also a one room school house where the kids spend half of their day doing their regular lessons in old time style. Writing on slates and getting the dunce cap. The kids went to school dressed for the times too which is so fun. All of the girls looked like Laura Ingalls Wilder. They even had to bring their lunch that way. The only thing that we had for Jimmy was a plastic coffee container because we don't buy the metal ones anymore. Besides that and his Converse shoes he looked the part. All of the tour guides there are great because they never step out of their roll. Jimy said that a boy in his class mentioned his PS2 and the lady looked at him like he was from outer space and asked him why he was talking with letters and number mixed together. He tried to explain which just got him in deeper because she pretended not to know of a T.V. or a controller, ect. ect. The kids got a lot out of the trip. I am posting a picture on here and I hope that it ends up right. (I have tried and tried and I can not get the pictures at the end of my post. So, scroll back up and now those pictures will make more sense!!!)

Well that's all of the Gorski Happenings for now. I really promise to try to be better.

Friday, September 28, 2007

She's Going to the Chapel and She's Going to get maaaried!!!!

Tomorrow is Mary's wedding and I can't wait! I am so excited for her and Ben and Danny! All three of them really deserve each other and the happiness that they are enjoying. I won't go anymore into it because it will ruin my whole speech!

Speaking of the speech! I am so nervous. For those of you that don't know I have put off my speech class at school because I completely hate public speaking. Put me up in front of a room of 9 year olds and I don't have a problem. Put me up in front of a room of adults and I freak out. I had to make a speech about camp to about 60 cub scout parents a few years back and I ended up throwing up in the bathroom. Thank God for my friend Lynne because she went up and did my talking. I am hoping that the fact that 1/2 of the room is my family and the other 1/2 I most likely will never see again, will help. We'll see. If I suck, that is why!

Anyway, we are heading up to Madison as soon as I am done with school, around 12:30. I am going to help set up the favors and the place cards and then we are going to have a little party by the pool!

I can't wait to see all of you up there and PAAAAARTY! I am off of my antibotics now, (I took myself off!), so I can really have fun.

If you are reading this Mary ~ I hope that your day tomorrow is everything you always dreamed it would be! I love you so much!!! You are a great little seester!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


As I told you yesterday I have an awful bite on the back of my leg. I thought that I would get through and be fine, I was wrong.

As the day went on yesterday it was harder and harder to walk without extreme pain. I looked up spider bites on the Internet and all of the pictures matched what I had on my leg so I knew for sure that's what it was. I also read on there not to lance it and to keep ice on it. (Both wrong, way to go Internet!) So, there I sat all day with ice on my leg. By the time that Phil got home at 8:00 PM it had almost tripled in size and was so bad that he had to practically hold me up.

My neighbor ran over here to sit with the kids and we ran to the ER. By time I got back to a bed I was in so much pain that if someone even touched it I screamed. The pain was actually shooting up my leg and around to the front of my knee. That didn't stop the Dr. however because he kept touching it and poking at it. All the while I am crying into the pillow and saying, "That really hurts!!!"

Then the Dr. tells me that we are going to have to pop it! I was freaking out because it hurt just to touch it how on earth did he think he was going to stick a needle in it? Well, he had no problem with that at all and just stuck that needle right in. I didn't even get a 1,2,3! I screamed into my pillow while Phil was saying, "Awesome! You should see the stuff flying out of there!"

It was determined that I have a staph infection from the spider bite! I am on two antiboiotics and Vicodin for the pain! I am choosing not to take the Vicodin because I need to get back and forth to school and I can't drive on pain killers.

This morning I took some pictures to show you. The pen mark is where the Dr. drew around the swelling and redness. You can see how much it has gone down just over night. All day today I have to keep warm compresses on it and drain it whenever possible. The fluid coming out is very strange looking to me. It looks like skim milk and flows out as if I turned on a faucet. When I am not draining it I have to keep a bandaid on it so that I can prevent further infection. A little bit of my skin is already turning black so I am going to be very good about the anitbiotic because I don't want to have a chunk of skin fall off.

So what lesson did we all learn from this? ALWAYS BRING A CHAIR AND NEVER SIT IN THE GRASS!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Noah ~ Some things should have been left off the Ark

Last night I went out to Jimmy's football practice to sit and visit with Phil who was already there. I arrived a little bit late because I had gone to pick up my dress for Mary's wedding. After I walked all of the way over to his practice, which is easily 10-15 acres from the parking area on a 70 acre park, I realized that I had forgotten my chair in the car. Being lazy and tired I didn't want to go back. Phil offered me his and like an idiot I said, "Oh no, I will just sit here in the grass."

After sitting and swatting away all of the annoying bugs, for about 5 min, I felt a huge pain on the back of my right knee. I gave a little yelp and stood up. Immediately I had a red area about the size of half dollar with two white spots in the middle. Everyone started looking but we saw no bug around us that could have done that. Some people said that the bite looked like a spider bite and one person said it looked like a snake bite. I really doubt that since I think that at least one of us would have seen a SNAKE! After all of the drama Phil once again offered me his chair and I gladly accepted. He chose to stand behind me and not sit in the grass!

When we got home last night the pain was getting worse and worse and I was trying to ignore it so that I could get everything together for morning. I finally looked down at it and it was doubled in size. I put my hand on it and it was warm to touch. That was a little bit scary for me so I took a Benedryl just in case it was some sort of allergic reaction to what ever beast attacked me.

When I woke up this morning to go on my daily walk with Belle my knee hurt so much that I could hardly straighten out my leg without pain. Belle was not having any of that however because she just loves her morning walk. So, I started out slow with a sort of limp and by the end of the walk I was walking normal, but slow. As I am sitting here typing I can still feel a throbbing in the area of the bite. Stupid bugs, I hate them!!!! As I said, some things could have been left off the ARK!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Time really does fly!

Who remembers this little peanut?

Joey has had a big week! He went to his first dance on Friday. He said that he had great time. I brought the camera along with when I dropped him off. Calm down, I wasn't really going to take pictures. I just thought that it was funny to see his face when we pulled up to the school and I took the camera out from under my seat! It was priceless!

We went today and rented his Alto Saxophone, too! He is so excited about playing this. He has been messing with it all night long and just keeps saying, "I haven't broken a reed yet!"

Jimmy had a game on Saturday and lost but only by one touch down this time. He had two awesome tackles that made me almost lose my voice. I really do love being a sports mom!

Well that's all folks! Thanks for checking in on us!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Well not too many new things have been happening out in Roscoe. Jimmy is still loving football and has played one game. They lost, big time, but he had fun anyway. He was so excited because Ray and Annie came to watch him. That meant a lot to him.

We had Phil's 3 nieces last Friday through Sunday. I loved it! I was picking out all of the cute pink clothes and doing braids in their hair. I have learned that I totally could have had 5 kids. However, I would have no husband because he would go crazy and leave us to live in a mental institution. He can only take the chaos for so long! He is still asking why girls have to scream as the do everything. They are running and they scream, they are playing and they scream. We just aren't used to it because boys generally don't do that. I was able to block it out but Phil wasn't. He finally asked Madi why she was screaming and she looked at him like he was speaking French. I don't even think that she knew she was screaming. All of the cousins had a good weekend though and when it gets down to it that is what matters.

For Labor day we went up to see Mary and Ben in Sun Prarie. Mary and I went shopping for some last minute wedding things and Phil, Ben, and the three boys all hung out. Later we went for a drive and took the ferry across the river. Our family used to do that every year on our way up to camp in Merry Mac. It was fun to take the boys on it and show them where we used to vacation. We stopped in Baraboo for some ice cream and then headed back to their place. We all headed home because it was a school night for everyone. Including Danny who started Kindergarten. He informed me that school was no big deal but he was excited to be taking a lunch in his new metal Spider Man lunch box. It turns out that he had a great first day!

That's really all for now.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to School Pictures, Finally!!

Jimmy heading to the bus stop. 4 fingers for fourth grade! We do that every year. That way if I look back and I didn't mark it, I will remember.

Jimmy~ So excited and happy to smile for Mom!

Both boys headed to the bus stop. Joey was already begging me to please go back home!

Joey and his friend Alex. They have been friends since they were 4 so I wanted a picture of them staring middle school. Alex seemed fine about it. Joe ~ Not so much!!

He finally posed for me if I promised to leave after Jimmy's bus came! He refused to hold up the traditional 6 fingers though!

There goes Jimmy on the elementary bus! He sat up front with his cousin Will who was starting Kindergarten. Must be time for Mom to go home!

Oops one more friend showed up that I want a picture of. You can see what Joey thought about that! I kept my promise and went home after that! Geez, middle schoolers! That's ok I guess, I remember being that age too!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Long time no blog

Well it has been a whole month since I was on here to blog. Summer just got away from me and I was super busy. Not with anything important, just busy.

So, what have we been up to?

Well Jimmy started with football on July 30th. He had practice 5 days a week for 2 hours. Most kids complain quite a bit about this. In fact when Joey was in it we had to drag him there every day, many times with tears. I was all geared up for the fact that Jimmy would react in much the same way. I had a speach all prepared in my head about how proud I was of him and what dedication it showed to tough it out. Instead he got in the car after the first day, which was very hard conditioning, and declared I LOVE IT! He went on and on about how it really pumped him up when the coaches were yelling, and how totally awesome it was that they called him Gorski and not Jimmy! They have trimmed the practice down to 3 days a week, 2 hours a day now that school has started. He still can not get enough.

Sadly we are all back in school. I started Monday and the boys started on Wednesday. It was really sad for both Phil and me. We have never been the parents counting down the days of summer waiting for the kids to go back to school. That is not to say that our kids are perfect and never get on our nerves! Its just that we love the flexibility of summer. No bed times, no schedules! No signing assignment notebooks and checking homework folders. Also Phil gets to see the boys a lot more in the summer because summer hours are much more condusive to his crazy work hours! Plus, we really do love being with them. The four of us have a good time when we are together! It was really sad to say goodbye to another summer! :(

On the flip side Joey is really loving being in middle school. He loves that fact that he changes classes every 45 min. He has two lockers, a hall locker and a gym locker. Thanks to the fact that his annoying mother had him practice with a lock all summer he had no problems opening either of them. (Wow what a brilliant annoying mother he has!) He also loves the fact that he has P.E. every day. He is a middle school student for sure! I will prove it with the first day of school pictures that I took which I will post later. He refused to smile and kept begging me to leave the bus stop and go home! Someday he will appreciate the fact that I have been so picture crazy his whole life. Jimmy enjoying 4th grade as much as Joey is enjoying 6th. He said that he has the best teacher ever! He ended up with 3 friends in his class which could be pretty scary because he can be quite the Chatty Cathy. We will see. His teacher is a friend of mine so I will find out right away if there is trouble.

So that is what's new with us. I promise that I will try to be much better about this now!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

JK Rowling is Bloody Brilliant!

I finished the final book and I can not say enough about it. I loved it so much. It answered so many questions and really finished off the story. I won't say anymore about it in case some of you have not read it yet. If you have read it though, wasn't it awesome! Joey is almost done with it too and I can't wait to talk to him about it!

I did receive some bad news from my dad two days ago. My uncle Al Bober died after a 15 month battle with cancer. He was married to my dad's sister Mary Ann. I did not know him very well simply because I do not really know anyone on my dad's side of the family very well. However, if you are the praying type please add his children, grandchildren, and wife to your prayer list. I can not begin to imagine what they are going through right now.

We really don't have much else going on right now. We are enjoying every minute of our sport free week!

Till next time......

Saturday, July 21, 2007

No more baseball

Well baseball finally ended for us yesterday. Both boys were eliminated from their tournaments. As their mom I felt bad for them of course and would never let them know that inside I was DANCING!!! I am so sick of baseball! I have been sitting out there 4 nights a week since April. This happens to me every year. I love it until about the beginning of July. Then I just can't take it any more.

So, I have one full week without anything and then football starts on Monday, July 30th! Football is 2 hours a day 5 days a week. Luckily just Jimmy is playing this year so, I can plop my lawn chair down by just one team and read away.

Speaking of reading. The book that Joey and I have been waiting a whole year for comes out today! Harry Potter #7! Both of us have had a count down waiting for this. I will keep you up to date on how we like the book.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More pictures

Here are a few more pictures. The first two are Jimmy's All Star game and the rest are the family picnic.

Jimmy as catcher during the game

Jimmy and the team as they got their trophies

The "original 11" in Tug of War

Cousins against parents in Tug of War

"Original 11" and spouses against cousins in Tug of War

Pictures of our camping trip

The fifth wheel that we were in and Bridget and Dan's pop up. See how close we were!

Joey coming off one of the waterslides

Jimmy right after a waterslide

Me and the boys in Yogi's picnic basket

Me and Phil in Yogi's picnic basket

Phil and the boys in Yogi's basket

Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm Baaaaack!!!!

I am back after a long hiatus. Not a hiatus by choice however.

On Monday June 25th Roscoe lost power for about 4 hours. When that happened a tower for our cable company blew. We lost all of our services from the cable company which for us is just about everything, because we have a lot through Charter. We lost our T.V., our internet, and our phone! After many frustrating cell phone conversations and service calls to us and our neighbors they finally got it up and running again on Friday July 6th! This had a bigger effect on all of us than you might think. Many of us on the street us our computers daily and not just for surfing. There are several people including Phil who use it for their buisness. Phil has a big wedding coming up this weekend and the bride could not get in touch with us because we had no internet and no phone. The lady across from us does hair out of her house and her clients could not get a hold of her. Every neighbor has at least one story like that. It is awful to say but we have really gotten to a place in our lives where we rely on the computer and the internet! It is no longer a toy, it is a necessity. To top all of Phil's and the neighbor's problems, I had to BLOG! Geez, Charter should credit us for that alone!

So, what has been happening here?

We went camping for the first weekend that we had no Charter in the house. For those of you that really know me, this is a big deal. I HATE camping. We went with my best friend Lynne, her husband Skip, and her three kids Courtney, Jake, and Cade. They have a 5th wheel that we all stayed in. That is as close to camping as you will ever find me. Inside they had running water, airconditioning, stove, microwave, and reglular beds! My boys wanted to "really" camp so we set up a tent for them outside and they slept there with Lynne's boys. All in all we had a nice weekend. If there are any campers out there I recommend the Yogi Bear Campsite in Amboy Illinois. They have lots to do on the property and I truly did not see my boys most of the day because they were off having such a good time. They went down waterslides, swam in the pools, went out on paddle boats, and played in the many parks. One of the best parts about the whole trip was that I ran into my cousin Bridget, her husband Dan, and their kids Megan and Ryan. Out of the whole place they were only two sites down from us in thier new pop up camper! What a small world it is!

Jimmy was invited to join the Mustang All Star team for baseball this year and was so excited. They played their game on Saturday July 7th and won 18-4. He ended the game because he caught the last out as catcher when the batter hit a foul ball. He also plays pitcher but didn't get a chance to do that for the All Star game because there were too many pitchers on the team.

After Jimmy's game we went to the annual Ryan Family Picnic. Phil was not able to go because of work but the boys and I had a blast! We loved all fo the new games that were added but laughed the most at the water balloon launch! We sure hope that returns next year! (hint! hint!) Jimmy really enjoyed getting to know Denis and Ray too. In fact he made me get Ray's phone number! Ray better watch out because Jimmy really thinks he made a new best friend! He was a birthday party yesterday and was telling his friends about the cool cousins he just met! He will never get over the fact that he met someone who has carried the olympic torch. Sports are Jimmy's life and to meet Denis and talk about sports and the olympics made this picnic Jimmy's best ever!

Well I think I remembered everything. Hopefully Charter will stay on and I will be able to be more regular about this.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Another Jimmism

I have to share another Jimmyism!

He has a friend here for a sleep over tonight. They were sitting at the table eating their dessert and I was down stairs playing with the dog. This was the conversation........

Jimmy: Have you seen any good movies this summer?

Kyle: Yes I saw Pirates 3.

Jimmy: Yeah, me too! Have you heard of any other good ones coming out?

Kyle: No but my mom wants to see a move called Hairspray. Do you know what that is?

Jimmy: It sound like a move where all of the people have good hair.

Kyle: Yeah, I think so and they sing about a fat girl and her mom that's really a guy. That's what it looked like when my mom watched the guy on E!

Jimmy: Really? Thanks for telling me, I'll never see that one.

Kyle: Yeah, wanna go play football again.

Jimmy: yup!

You don't know how hard it was not to laugh at those two. They think that because they are in a different room I can't hear them. I love it!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I can't think of a proper title, so this is what you get!

We don't have too many new things going on here. It still feels like baseball is our whole lives. I am out there 4 nights a week. Then our weekends are filled up with being chauffeur for the boys or having our house full of kids. I don't really mind. I know that this too shall pass. Then I will be complaining that no one needs me and where has the time gone. I am truly trying to enjoy every minute of this with the boys. It sure does wear me out though.

So, we had a very nice Father's Day. We went to Phil's parents house and swam all day with the family. Then we had a pot luck cookout. The boys had a blast with their cousins and it was nice for us to catch up with his sister Peg and brothers Steve and Matt. Mike and his family along with Kate and her family could not make it and were missed. We don't get to see each other as often anymore so it was a nice relaxing day. In fact we were there so late that we ended up just crashing there for the night. Good thing they have plenty of room for the four of us and Belle! I hope that all of you other father's out there had a nice day too.

Friday, June 15, 2007

10 YEARS!!!

Yesterday Phil and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Celebrate is an awfully big word to put on what we did actually. Life does go on. He had to work, the boys had baseball, ect., ect. I actually got to see him for the first time at 8:45 last night. Oh, and he had to work again today so we were in bed asleep by 10:00. Are we party animals or what? We are going to spend all day Saturday with just the four of us though and then we are going out alone Saturday night. So that will be our real celebration


I am so glad to have spent the last 10 years married to Phil. I truly love him with every part of my being and not everyone can say that. He has been a wonderful husband to me and an awesome father to Joe and Jimmy. That's not to say that it has been all wine and roses. We have had our tough times, our hills and valleys, and we will have more to come I am sure. But I am proud to say that we have worked through all the tough times together with love and confidence that both of us are here for the long haul.

So in honor of our 10 years here are 10 things I still love about Phil.

10. He can still make me laugh or smile. Even when I am really pissed off at him he has the abiltity to make me smile or giggle.

9. He is so giving. He rarely thinks of himself first it is always about the boys and me.

8. His beautiful blue eyes. I have always been able to get lost in them and I still can. I truly can look at his eyes and know what he is thinking and feeling. I see his soul!

7. His passion for things in life. Whatever hobby he picks up in life he is able to apply true passion to it. He has pulled the car over in the middle of a wooded area just to listen to the cicadas. That's his passion for nature. I love it!

6. He is so talented. He amazes me everytime he shoots a picture. He sees things that I just don't see. I can be right beside him on a bridge and he finds the beauty is something I just didn't see. My walls are full of beautiful pictures due to his photogenic eye!

5. His family values. I love the fact that family has always come first for him. Even when I met him and he was only 17 years old. Family was and still is his priority.

4. He works so damn hard. Phil works awful 12 hour shifts sometimes 4-5 days in a row. He does this all so that the boys and I can live the life we are living.

3. His sense of humor. Anyone that knows Phil knows that he is a prankster. I love it! It keeps me on my toes!

2. He is an awesome father. I wish that my father could have been 1/2 the father that Phil is. He knows when to be funny with them, when to be serious with them, and how to raise them to be proper gentlemen. I get all tingly just watching him play catch with the boys or having a serious father son converstation with Joey. Now, that's sexy!

1. He is my best friend. Since day one he has been my go to guy. He is the one person in the world that I am completly comfortable with. I can be made up or looking pretty sad and he would never show a difference in his love for me. He tells me that I am sexy either way. I can be having a really bad PMS week and he still tells me he loves me. I can be truly 100% myself with him and I love him for that!

So here is to 10 more wonderful years with a wonderful man!

P.S. Sorry for the sap, but you were warned!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

What a couple of weeks!

Hello all! I have not posted in a couple of weeks because it has been truly crazy around here! I have been on an emotional rollercoaster, but things are good now.

Phil had a surprise party for me, to celebrate my 30th birthday, on June 2nd! Boy did he get me good! I had suspicions a couple of times but they were always explained away really well. My very good friend Lynne took me out to lunch at Panara and then we went to the driving range to hit some balls. None of this seemed strange to me because we always do things for each other on our birthdays. On the way home she called her daughter to tell her that we were about 10 min away, which again did not seem strange to be checking in on the kids. As we turned onto our street I was chatting away and did not look down at my house until we got closer. When I looked up I saw my driveway full of people! I said some very naughty four letter words and hid my face with my purse! My sister finally had to come down to the car and drag me out. Once I got out I saw so many people that I just love. He had my family here, my friends, the teachers that I work with, and neighbors! We ended up parting into the wee hours of the next morning, it's a good thing that the neighbors were here with us or I think the police would have been called for the noise. I could not have had a better birthday! I will always remember my 30th, thanks to Phil. He is such an amazing husband! Thanks, honey!

So there I was on an ultimate high when I crashed, hard! The last day of school was June 5th and boy did it hit me. I was so sad walking out of the building on Tuesday that I could not even speak. I ended up crying all of the way home, thank goodness the boys took the bus home that day. It was so hard leaving a job that I love, with people that I love! I have never had to do something like this. I really want to be a teacher and I really want to have my own classroom and I know that the only way to get those things is to leave my job and go to school. I have been talking about this for such a long time that I did not think I had a problem with it. I guess I was in serious denial! I was almost tempted to turn around, run back in to the office, and say nevermind hire me back!! I of course did not do that. I am pushing myself to move on to bigger and better things even though it is hard. I spent most of Wednesday being sad until a friend of mine from school called me and asked me to go biking every Friday. Now I know that I will move on and keep these wonderful people with me. It won't be the same but it is something.

So, my emotional rollercoaster has rolled into the gate until another day. I just got back from our first bike ride and had an awesome time. We rode bikes for 3 hours and ended up in Boone county. (Which is the county to the East of us) I plan on just enjoying summer and taking each day as it comes.

Happy summer to all of you.

P.S. I have a 6th grader and a 4th grader now! Ahhhhh, Lord help me!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

I don't want to rant and rave because this blog should be a positive place, however I felt like I needed to write this today......

I hope that everyone really remembers what this day is all about. While we are at our BBQ's and enjoying our day off of work, lets remember why we are doing these things.

I hope that we all say a prayer for the men and women who have lost their lives for the freedom that we enjoy today. Also, say a prayer for their families.

Anyway, I am off of my soap box now! I hope that you have a great day with your family and friends. We will be having a BBQ with my mom, Nana, Mary, Ben, and Danny. I am sure we will have a great time because we always do when we are with them.


Friday, May 25, 2007


We have some very exciting news to share with you!

Ray and Annie got engaged today!!

He took her out to Grayslake High School where they first met at a wrestling match. Ray had previously contacted a woman at the school and she played along that Ray had an errand he had to do in their gym. She led them in and then pretended she had to leave really quick but would be right back. When she left, Ray asked, and Annie said YES!

No date set yet, but we are all very excited! We have loved Annie and thought of her as family for many years. Now it will be official!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Field Day!

Today at school we had Field Day! We all really love this day, teachers and students! The PE teacher sets up tons of events for us to compete in. (I actually saw some that would be really fun at the Family Picnic.) Each class is split up into two groups, team A and team B. At the end of the events the teams get back together and race on a human bridge. (If you are not sure what that is just ask!) After that our points are combined and they figure out a winner.

The teacher and I both ended up almost losing our voices from cheering the kids on all afternoon. I screamed, Go! Go! Go! more times today than ever before. We also ended up very wet from the water games and standing out in that 90 degree heat! It was all worth it though because our class won FIRST PLACE out of the whole 4th grade and got to take the trophy. Woo Hoo!!! Our kids had so much fun and it is so nice to be with them in a different way. We are not just saying sit down and stop talking. Or did you put that in your assignment notebook. I have a few pictures from our day, but I am not sure how parents would feel about me sharing photos with their kids in it. If you are interested I can show you the next time that we are together.

Joey's class won FIRST PLACE for the 5th grade and Jimmy's class took 2nd. I don't know anymore about their days because I work in 4th grade all day. All in all not a bad day for the Gorskis'.

Also on school news, another huge thank you to those of you that supported the boys in their school Fun Run. Joey ended up earning $267.00 and being the top earner in his class which helped them win a pizza party. Jimmy topped that by being the top earner in all of 3rd grade by earning $266.00. He won a $50 gift card to Volcano Falls. (For those of you not from Rockford this is a huge park. Mini golf/ Go-Carts/batting cages/video games/laser tag/ect./ ect) The school earned a total of $21,000 and says with our fall fundraiser we will be able to get our new playground equipment. So again, thank you to everyone who supported them. They really appreciate it!

Dancing, Dancing, Dancing!!

Last night was bittersweet for me. My absolute favorite show ended, but my favorite person won!! I am so glad that Apolo won the competition. After his freestyle I jumped off of the couch and gave them a standing ovation in my living room! Joey was funny and a good entertainer but there was something about Apolo and Juliann! (sp?) They were so cute! Last night when they annouced the winner I shot up again as if there was a spring in the couch. I scared Belle because I was so excited!

I went on line to check out the tour dates and the closest that they are going to come is Peoria on July 15th. Anyone up for a road trip? I don't know much more than the date. I would have to look into ticket prices. If they are way out there, forget it. (afterall in 9 days, I am an unemployed student). If anyone is interested in this I will do the research. That would be so much fun! Let me know!

Friday, May 18, 2007

"Do you think they want me on the High School team?"

I have a Jimmy story that I just have to share.

We got home today and I asked him to go and get me the mail. He came running in the house with an absolute glow on his face.

"I got a letter!"

I said, "Wow, that is great. Who sent it to you?"

"The Hononegah Head football coach!" He said with so much excitement that I could never get it across right in writing. Then he said with pure innocence, "Do you think that they want me on the High School Football team, Mom?"

Not wanting to totally burst the poor kids bubble I told him that he should just open it up and see what it was all about.

He started to open it ever so gently then pulled the envelope towards his heart, closed his eyes, and said, "This is just like in the movie Rudy when he gets his letter!"

He continued to open it and found a flyer in there about a football camp that the high school boys run during the summer. He was just as excited about that! He said, "Look Joe, they asked ME to come to their camp. Can you believe it?"

At which time his wise, almost teen aged brother burst his bubble by telling him that they send those out to everyone one signed up for pee-wee football! He didn't say it quite that nice however. There were a couple of Duh's and Dummy's thrown in there somewhere.

Jimmy took the news well and can't wait for camp!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007


These are the pictures of our new pup, Belle. I took them myself so they are a little dark. This was the first week that we brought her home. She is a little bit bigger now. In fact she's 11 weeks old today. I feel like I have a baby again when I refer to age in weeks. So far she is a really good puppy. Some potty accidents but not nearly as bad as it could be. She has a wonderful calm personality that I hope she keeps. I will post more pictures as she grows. Thanks for checking them out!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Good bye Pool!

We took our swimming pool down today and it was a little bitter sweet. I am ready for it to go because it is old and we really don't use it as much now that the boys are older and gone all of the time. However, I have so many good memories of the pool.

When we first got it Joey was only 4 and Jimmy was just 2. They could not even get close to touching the bottom. We had so many pool parties with family and friend. As the boys have gotten older they would have friends over and just last year it got so that I didn't have to sit right on the deck as they were swimming because everyone could finally touch. I have tons of photos of the boys over the years in the pool.

We all know that it is better to have it gone but it was still hard coming home today and seeing an empty yard. It will save us so much money on chemicals this summer which will help with the tightening of the budget. It will also save Phil time because he was the one that kept up all of the maintenance on the pool.

Our plans for right now are to put our outdoor fireplace there. We'll see.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Well I decided that after two years of reading everyone else's blog, I'd better join the bandwagon. I can't promise that I will have a whole lot to say all of the time, but I will certainly try.

I guess that I should begin with a little catch up. I know you all know our family but here's where all of us are right now.

Phil is still working at Huntsman, and yes he still has CRAZY hours! He works 12 hour shifts with one month on days and one month on nights. Trust me, that gets really old. He does like what he does though so he puts up with the hours. His photography buisness is doing spectacular! I am so proud of him that I could bust. He has weddings booked for summer and fall, senior pictures, and family portraits. It couldn't be better!

Joey is 11 years old and is about to finish 5th grade. He is thrilled about moving on to middle school. I do not share that same excitement. He is as tall as me right now so I have started wearing tall shoes a lot. For the summer he is in baseball. The games start tonight and will go through August. He usually plays 1st or 2nd base. His favorite position though is catcher. He has become quite a social guy on top of everything else. For example, this past weekend he had plans for every second of every day. He has also started babysitting this year. He watches Jimmy for us, which has been wonderful. We have been able to get out and be a couple again. He also watches Danny for Mary and Ben and has been watching some boys down the street for a friend of mine. He is really good with the little kids and loves the extra money. I am pretty sure now that grass cutting season has arrived he will slow down on the babysitting and make money mowing lawns.

Jimmy is 9 years old and is ending 3rd grade. He is becoming his own little person for sure. He is 100% athlete and sports fanatic. He has a baseball or football in his hands at all times. We are always saying, "Jimmy stop throwing the football around the house!" He is also always talking about sports. "Today on Sports Center they said...." or "Hey Mom, guess how many touch downs Groosman threw in his rookie year." I told him last week that he could not tell me one more statistic unless he could spell his whole spelling list to me. Needless to say, I didn't hear stats for a week. He too will play baseball this summer and starts Tuesday evening. He plays pitcher and 1st base. He will be in football in the fall.

I guess that leaves me. Well I am pretty much the same as always, just busier. I am still working as a classroom aide up at the school but only until the end of this year. Next fall I am going to school full time to earn my degree in elementary education. I have been going part time while working full time and it is just not working for our family. The time with my kids is just too precious for me and I am not willing to miss any of it. So the choice came down to not going to school at all and just working, or not working at all and just going to school. We are willing to bite the bullet and pull in the purse strings for four years so that I can have a degree. It will be tough but we can manage. When I am not working I am running around with the kids to their events.

We also have a new member of our family. Belle is our new English Springer Spaniel puppy. She turned 10 weeks old on Saturday. So far she has been a really good puppy. (knock on wood!)

So that is us and where we are in our lives right now. I hope that we are interesting enough to read about.