Tuesday, July 24, 2007

JK Rowling is Bloody Brilliant!

I finished the final book and I can not say enough about it. I loved it so much. It answered so many questions and really finished off the story. I won't say anymore about it in case some of you have not read it yet. If you have read it though, wasn't it awesome! Joey is almost done with it too and I can't wait to talk to him about it!

I did receive some bad news from my dad two days ago. My uncle Al Bober died after a 15 month battle with cancer. He was married to my dad's sister Mary Ann. I did not know him very well simply because I do not really know anyone on my dad's side of the family very well. However, if you are the praying type please add his children, grandchildren, and wife to your prayer list. I can not begin to imagine what they are going through right now.

We really don't have much else going on right now. We are enjoying every minute of our sport free week!

Till next time......


Amy said...

thank you for not spoiling the ending....I'm currently reading it now. Can't wait to get through it!!! I've got Dan reading them too. He's starting with the first one now.

Amy said...

ok, I finished it!!! I read the last 400 pages today!!!