Friday, June 22, 2007

Another Jimmism

I have to share another Jimmyism!

He has a friend here for a sleep over tonight. They were sitting at the table eating their dessert and I was down stairs playing with the dog. This was the conversation........

Jimmy: Have you seen any good movies this summer?

Kyle: Yes I saw Pirates 3.

Jimmy: Yeah, me too! Have you heard of any other good ones coming out?

Kyle: No but my mom wants to see a move called Hairspray. Do you know what that is?

Jimmy: It sound like a move where all of the people have good hair.

Kyle: Yeah, I think so and they sing about a fat girl and her mom that's really a guy. That's what it looked like when my mom watched the guy on E!

Jimmy: Really? Thanks for telling me, I'll never see that one.

Kyle: Yeah, wanna go play football again.

Jimmy: yup!

You don't know how hard it was not to laugh at those two. They think that because they are in a different room I can't hear them. I love it!!

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