Thursday, May 10, 2007

Good bye Pool!

We took our swimming pool down today and it was a little bitter sweet. I am ready for it to go because it is old and we really don't use it as much now that the boys are older and gone all of the time. However, I have so many good memories of the pool.

When we first got it Joey was only 4 and Jimmy was just 2. They could not even get close to touching the bottom. We had so many pool parties with family and friend. As the boys have gotten older they would have friends over and just last year it got so that I didn't have to sit right on the deck as they were swimming because everyone could finally touch. I have tons of photos of the boys over the years in the pool.

We all know that it is better to have it gone but it was still hard coming home today and seeing an empty yard. It will save us so much money on chemicals this summer which will help with the tightening of the budget. It will also save Phil time because he was the one that kept up all of the maintenance on the pool.

Our plans for right now are to put our outdoor fireplace there. We'll see.

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