Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Noah ~ Some things should have been left off the Ark

Last night I went out to Jimmy's football practice to sit and visit with Phil who was already there. I arrived a little bit late because I had gone to pick up my dress for Mary's wedding. After I walked all of the way over to his practice, which is easily 10-15 acres from the parking area on a 70 acre park, I realized that I had forgotten my chair in the car. Being lazy and tired I didn't want to go back. Phil offered me his and like an idiot I said, "Oh no, I will just sit here in the grass."

After sitting and swatting away all of the annoying bugs, for about 5 min, I felt a huge pain on the back of my right knee. I gave a little yelp and stood up. Immediately I had a red area about the size of half dollar with two white spots in the middle. Everyone started looking but we saw no bug around us that could have done that. Some people said that the bite looked like a spider bite and one person said it looked like a snake bite. I really doubt that since I think that at least one of us would have seen a SNAKE! After all of the drama Phil once again offered me his chair and I gladly accepted. He chose to stand behind me and not sit in the grass!

When we got home last night the pain was getting worse and worse and I was trying to ignore it so that I could get everything together for morning. I finally looked down at it and it was doubled in size. I put my hand on it and it was warm to touch. That was a little bit scary for me so I took a Benedryl just in case it was some sort of allergic reaction to what ever beast attacked me.

When I woke up this morning to go on my daily walk with Belle my knee hurt so much that I could hardly straighten out my leg without pain. Belle was not having any of that however because she just loves her morning walk. So, I started out slow with a sort of limp and by the end of the walk I was walking normal, but slow. As I am sitting here typing I can still feel a throbbing in the area of the bite. Stupid bugs, I hate them!!!! As I said, some things could have been left off the ARK!

1 comment:

Katers said...

Wonder what it was? Try an ice pack, that seems to be the best thing for us.