As I told you yesterday I have an awful bite on the back of my leg. I thought that I would get through and be fine, I was wrong.
As the day went on yesterday it was harder and harder to walk without extreme pain. I looked up spider bites on the Internet and all of the pictures matched what I had on my leg so I knew for sure that's what it was. I also read on there not to lance it and to keep ice on it. (Both wrong, way to go Internet!) So, there I sat all day with ice on my leg. By the time that Phil got home at 8:00 PM it had almost tripled in size and was so bad that he had to practically hold me up.
My neighbor ran over here to sit with the kids and we ran to the ER. By time I got back to a bed I was in so much pain that if someone even touched it I screamed. The pain was actually shooting up my leg and around to the front of my knee. That didn't stop the Dr. however because he kept touching it and poking at it. All the while I am crying into the pillow and saying, "That really hurts!!!"
Then the Dr. tells me that we are going to have to pop it! I was freaking out because it hurt just to touch it how on earth did he think he was going to stick a needle in it? Well, he had no problem with that at all and just stuck that needle right in. I didn't even get a 1,2,3! I screamed into my pillow while Phil was saying, "Awesome! You should see the stuff flying out of there!"
It was determined that I have a staph infection from the spider bite! I am on two antiboiotics and Vicodin for the pain! I am choosing not to take the Vicodin because I need to get back and forth to school and I can't drive on pain killers.
This morning I took some pictures to show you. The pen mark is where the Dr. drew around the swelling and redness. You can see how much it has gone down just over night. All day today I have to keep warm compresses on it and drain it whenever possible. The fluid coming out is very strange looking to me. It looks like skim milk and flows out as if I turned on a faucet. When I am not draining it I have to keep a bandaid on it so that I can prevent further infection. A little bit of my skin is already turning black so I am going to be very good about the anitbiotic because I don't want to have a chunk of skin fall off.
So what lesson did we all learn from this? ALWAYS BRING A CHAIR AND NEVER SIT IN THE GRASS!
As the day went on yesterday it was harder and harder to walk without extreme pain. I looked up spider bites on the Internet and all of the pictures matched what I had on my leg so I knew for sure that's what it was. I also read on there not to lance it and to keep ice on it. (Both wrong, way to go Internet!) So, there I sat all day with ice on my leg. By the time that Phil got home at 8:00 PM it had almost tripled in size and was so bad that he had to practically hold me up.
My neighbor ran over here to sit with the kids and we ran to the ER. By time I got back to a bed I was in so much pain that if someone even touched it I screamed. The pain was actually shooting up my leg and around to the front of my knee. That didn't stop the Dr. however because he kept touching it and poking at it. All the while I am crying into the pillow and saying, "That really hurts!!!"
Then the Dr. tells me that we are going to have to pop it! I was freaking out because it hurt just to touch it how on earth did he think he was going to stick a needle in it? Well, he had no problem with that at all and just stuck that needle right in. I didn't even get a 1,2,3! I screamed into my pillow while Phil was saying, "Awesome! You should see the stuff flying out of there!"
It was determined that I have a staph infection from the spider bite! I am on two antiboiotics and Vicodin for the pain! I am choosing not to take the Vicodin because I need to get back and forth to school and I can't drive on pain killers.
This morning I took some pictures to show you. The pen mark is where the Dr. drew around the swelling and redness. You can see how much it has gone down just over night. All day today I have to keep warm compresses on it and drain it whenever possible. The fluid coming out is very strange looking to me. It looks like skim milk and flows out as if I turned on a faucet. When I am not draining it I have to keep a bandaid on it so that I can prevent further infection. A little bit of my skin is already turning black so I am going to be very good about the anitbiotic because I don't want to have a chunk of skin fall off.
So what lesson did we all learn from this? ALWAYS BRING A CHAIR AND NEVER SIT IN THE GRASS!
Wow Molly, I sure hope you recover by Saturday!
That's gross.....even me, a medical person can say thats totally gross!!! Glad to hear you're doing ok!
Holy buckets, Molly! That stinks. Hope your dancin' leg heals up soon!!
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