Friday, September 28, 2007

She's Going to the Chapel and She's Going to get maaaried!!!!

Tomorrow is Mary's wedding and I can't wait! I am so excited for her and Ben and Danny! All three of them really deserve each other and the happiness that they are enjoying. I won't go anymore into it because it will ruin my whole speech!

Speaking of the speech! I am so nervous. For those of you that don't know I have put off my speech class at school because I completely hate public speaking. Put me up in front of a room of 9 year olds and I don't have a problem. Put me up in front of a room of adults and I freak out. I had to make a speech about camp to about 60 cub scout parents a few years back and I ended up throwing up in the bathroom. Thank God for my friend Lynne because she went up and did my talking. I am hoping that the fact that 1/2 of the room is my family and the other 1/2 I most likely will never see again, will help. We'll see. If I suck, that is why!

Anyway, we are heading up to Madison as soon as I am done with school, around 12:30. I am going to help set up the favors and the place cards and then we are going to have a little party by the pool!

I can't wait to see all of you up there and PAAAAARTY! I am off of my antibotics now, (I took myself off!), so I can really have fun.

If you are reading this Mary ~ I hope that your day tomorrow is everything you always dreamed it would be! I love you so much!!! You are a great little seester!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU TOOK YOURSELF OFF ANTIBIOTICS EARLY AND ARE ADMITTING IT ON A BLOG WHERE YOU KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THE MEDICAL FIELD READING IT!!! (Including this nurse!) Good grief! Anyway, don't you know that being on antibiotics just makes the alcohol work faster? Ok, just kidding about that! See you at the wedding!