Saturday, December 1, 2007

Update on Joe's "growth"

We went to the Dr. yesterday and walked out still not knowing much. The Dr. looked at it for about 5 seconds, looked up at me and said, "Is there any skin cancer in the family?" I told him that there is skin cancer all over on my mom's side of the family. He said, "Hmmmm??? We are going to need to take a culture of this."

As he was taking a culture I showed him another one that was growing right on above the current one. It is really tiny and flesh toned. I explained to him that this one looked exactly like that when it started. He looked up and me and said, "Yeah, that's not a wart. Wart's don't look like that."

So, he sent us home with some cream to apply twice a day and we need to keep band-aid's on there. He is thinking that we will have the results by Monday, Tuesday at the latest.

Now you know what I know! Does anyone in the medical field have any thoughts on what might be going on?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All Uncle Larry's cancerous growths looked harmless to me. Everytime I find one that looks particularly worriesome to's nothing. I can tell you that all the bad ones have been under the skin rather than growths on top of the skin.
Good luck. Isn't there always something to worry about?
aunt Betty