Tomorrow is Mary's wedding and I can't wait! I am so excited for her and Ben and Danny! All three of them really deserve each other and the happiness that they are enjoying. I won't go anymore into it because it will ruin my whole speech!
Speaking of the speech! I am so nervous. For those of you that don't know I have put off my speech class at school because I completely hate public speaking. Put me up in front of a room of 9 year olds and I don't have a problem. Put me up in front of a room of adults and I freak out. I had to make a speech about camp to about 60 cub scout parents a few years back and I ended up throwing up in the bathroom. Thank God for my friend Lynne because she went up and did my talking. I am hoping that the fact that 1/2 of the room is my family and the other 1/2 I most likely will never see again, will help. We'll see. If I suck, that is why!
Anyway, we are heading up to Madison as soon as I am done with school, around 12:30. I am going to help set up the favors and the place cards and then we are going to have a little party by the pool!
I can't wait to see all of you up there and PAAAAARTY! I am off of my antibotics now, (I took myself off!), so I can really have fun.
If you are reading this Mary ~ I hope that your day tomorrow is everything you always dreamed it would be! I love you so much!!! You are a great little seester!!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007

As I told you yesterday I have an awful bite on the back of my leg. I thought that I would get through and be fine, I was wrong.
As the day went on yesterday it was harder and harder to walk without extreme pain. I looked up spider bites on the Internet and all of the pictures matched what I had on my leg so I knew for sure that's what it was. I also read on there not to lance it and to keep ice on it. (Both wrong, way to go Internet!) So, there I sat all day with ice on my leg. By the time that Phil got home at 8:00 PM it had almost tripled in size and was so bad that he had to practically hold me up.
My neighbor ran over here to sit with the kids and we ran to the ER. By time I got back to a bed I was in so much pain that if someone even touched it I screamed. The pain was actually shooting up my leg and around to the front of my knee. That didn't stop the Dr. however because he kept touching it and poking at it. All the while I am crying into the pillow and saying, "That really hurts!!!"
Then the Dr. tells me that we are going to have to pop it! I was freaking out because it hurt just to touch it how on earth did he think he was going to stick a needle in it? Well, he had no problem with that at all and just stuck that needle right in. I didn't even get a 1,2,3! I screamed into my pillow while Phil was saying, "Awesome! You should see the stuff flying out of there!"
It was determined that I have a staph infection from the spider bite! I am on two antiboiotics and Vicodin for the pain! I am choosing not to take the Vicodin because I need to get back and forth to school and I can't drive on pain killers.
This morning I took some pictures to show you. The pen mark is where the Dr. drew around the swelling and redness. You can see how much it has gone down just over night. All day today I have to keep warm compresses on it and drain it whenever possible. The fluid coming out is very strange looking to me. It looks like skim milk and flows out as if I turned on a faucet. When I am not draining it I have to keep a bandaid on it so that I can prevent further infection. A little bit of my skin is already turning black so I am going to be very good about the anitbiotic because I don't want to have a chunk of skin fall off.
So what lesson did we all learn from this? ALWAYS BRING A CHAIR AND NEVER SIT IN THE GRASS!
As the day went on yesterday it was harder and harder to walk without extreme pain. I looked up spider bites on the Internet and all of the pictures matched what I had on my leg so I knew for sure that's what it was. I also read on there not to lance it and to keep ice on it. (Both wrong, way to go Internet!) So, there I sat all day with ice on my leg. By the time that Phil got home at 8:00 PM it had almost tripled in size and was so bad that he had to practically hold me up.
My neighbor ran over here to sit with the kids and we ran to the ER. By time I got back to a bed I was in so much pain that if someone even touched it I screamed. The pain was actually shooting up my leg and around to the front of my knee. That didn't stop the Dr. however because he kept touching it and poking at it. All the while I am crying into the pillow and saying, "That really hurts!!!"
Then the Dr. tells me that we are going to have to pop it! I was freaking out because it hurt just to touch it how on earth did he think he was going to stick a needle in it? Well, he had no problem with that at all and just stuck that needle right in. I didn't even get a 1,2,3! I screamed into my pillow while Phil was saying, "Awesome! You should see the stuff flying out of there!"
It was determined that I have a staph infection from the spider bite! I am on two antiboiotics and Vicodin for the pain! I am choosing not to take the Vicodin because I need to get back and forth to school and I can't drive on pain killers.
This morning I took some pictures to show you. The pen mark is where the Dr. drew around the swelling and redness. You can see how much it has gone down just over night. All day today I have to keep warm compresses on it and drain it whenever possible. The fluid coming out is very strange looking to me. It looks like skim milk and flows out as if I turned on a faucet. When I am not draining it I have to keep a bandaid on it so that I can prevent further infection. A little bit of my skin is already turning black so I am going to be very good about the anitbiotic because I don't want to have a chunk of skin fall off.
So what lesson did we all learn from this? ALWAYS BRING A CHAIR AND NEVER SIT IN THE GRASS!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Noah ~ Some things should have been left off the Ark
Last night I went out to Jimmy's football practice to sit and visit with Phil who was already there. I arrived a little bit late because I had gone to pick up my dress for Mary's wedding. After I walked all of the way over to his practice, which is easily 10-15 acres from the parking area on a 70 acre park, I realized that I had forgotten my chair in the car. Being lazy and tired I didn't want to go back. Phil offered me his and like an idiot I said, "Oh no, I will just sit here in the grass."
After sitting and swatting away all of the annoying bugs, for about 5 min, I felt a huge pain on the back of my right knee. I gave a little yelp and stood up. Immediately I had a red area about the size of half dollar with two white spots in the middle. Everyone started looking but we saw no bug around us that could have done that. Some people said that the bite looked like a spider bite and one person said it looked like a snake bite. I really doubt that since I think that at least one of us would have seen a SNAKE! After all of the drama Phil once again offered me his chair and I gladly accepted. He chose to stand behind me and not sit in the grass!
When we got home last night the pain was getting worse and worse and I was trying to ignore it so that I could get everything together for morning. I finally looked down at it and it was doubled in size. I put my hand on it and it was warm to touch. That was a little bit scary for me so I took a Benedryl just in case it was some sort of allergic reaction to what ever beast attacked me.
When I woke up this morning to go on my daily walk with Belle my knee hurt so much that I could hardly straighten out my leg without pain. Belle was not having any of that however because she just loves her morning walk. So, I started out slow with a sort of limp and by the end of the walk I was walking normal, but slow. As I am sitting here typing I can still feel a throbbing in the area of the bite. Stupid bugs, I hate them!!!! As I said, some things could have been left off the ARK!
After sitting and swatting away all of the annoying bugs, for about 5 min, I felt a huge pain on the back of my right knee. I gave a little yelp and stood up. Immediately I had a red area about the size of half dollar with two white spots in the middle. Everyone started looking but we saw no bug around us that could have done that. Some people said that the bite looked like a spider bite and one person said it looked like a snake bite. I really doubt that since I think that at least one of us would have seen a SNAKE! After all of the drama Phil once again offered me his chair and I gladly accepted. He chose to stand behind me and not sit in the grass!
When we got home last night the pain was getting worse and worse and I was trying to ignore it so that I could get everything together for morning. I finally looked down at it and it was doubled in size. I put my hand on it and it was warm to touch. That was a little bit scary for me so I took a Benedryl just in case it was some sort of allergic reaction to what ever beast attacked me.
When I woke up this morning to go on my daily walk with Belle my knee hurt so much that I could hardly straighten out my leg without pain. Belle was not having any of that however because she just loves her morning walk. So, I started out slow with a sort of limp and by the end of the walk I was walking normal, but slow. As I am sitting here typing I can still feel a throbbing in the area of the bite. Stupid bugs, I hate them!!!! As I said, some things could have been left off the ARK!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Time really does fly!

Who remembers this little peanut?
Joey has had a big week! He went to his first dance on Friday. He said that he had great time. I brought the camera along with when I dropped him off. Calm down, I wasn't really going to take pictures. I just thought that it was funny to see his face when we pulled up to the school and I took the camera out from under my seat! It was priceless!
We went today and rented his Alto Saxophone, too! He is so excited about playing this. He has been messing with it all night long and just keeps saying, "I haven't broken a reed yet!"
Jimmy had a game on Saturday and lost but only by one touch down this time. He had two awesome tackles that made me almost lose my voice. I really do love being a sports mom!
Well that's all folks! Thanks for checking in on us!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Well not too many new things have been happening out in Roscoe. Jimmy is still loving football and has played one game. They lost, big time, but he had fun anyway. He was so excited because Ray and Annie came to watch him. That meant a lot to him.
We had Phil's 3 nieces last Friday through Sunday. I loved it! I was picking out all of the cute pink clothes and doing braids in their hair. I have learned that I totally could have had 5 kids. However, I would have no husband because he would go crazy and leave us to live in a mental institution. He can only take the chaos for so long! He is still asking why girls have to scream as the do everything. They are running and they scream, they are playing and they scream. We just aren't used to it because boys generally don't do that. I was able to block it out but Phil wasn't. He finally asked Madi why she was screaming and she looked at him like he was speaking French. I don't even think that she knew she was screaming. All of the cousins had a good weekend though and when it gets down to it that is what matters.
For Labor day we went up to see Mary and Ben in Sun Prarie. Mary and I went shopping for some last minute wedding things and Phil, Ben, and the three boys all hung out. Later we went for a drive and took the ferry across the river. Our family used to do that every year on our way up to camp in Merry Mac. It was fun to take the boys on it and show them where we used to vacation. We stopped in Baraboo for some ice cream and then headed back to their place. We all headed home because it was a school night for everyone. Including Danny who started Kindergarten. He informed me that school was no big deal but he was excited to be taking a lunch in his new metal Spider Man lunch box. It turns out that he had a great first day!
That's really all for now.
We had Phil's 3 nieces last Friday through Sunday. I loved it! I was picking out all of the cute pink clothes and doing braids in their hair. I have learned that I totally could have had 5 kids. However, I would have no husband because he would go crazy and leave us to live in a mental institution. He can only take the chaos for so long! He is still asking why girls have to scream as the do everything. They are running and they scream, they are playing and they scream. We just aren't used to it because boys generally don't do that. I was able to block it out but Phil wasn't. He finally asked Madi why she was screaming and she looked at him like he was speaking French. I don't even think that she knew she was screaming. All of the cousins had a good weekend though and when it gets down to it that is what matters.
For Labor day we went up to see Mary and Ben in Sun Prarie. Mary and I went shopping for some last minute wedding things and Phil, Ben, and the three boys all hung out. Later we went for a drive and took the ferry across the river. Our family used to do that every year on our way up to camp in Merry Mac. It was fun to take the boys on it and show them where we used to vacation. We stopped in Baraboo for some ice cream and then headed back to their place. We all headed home because it was a school night for everyone. Including Danny who started Kindergarten. He informed me that school was no big deal but he was excited to be taking a lunch in his new metal Spider Man lunch box. It turns out that he had a great first day!
That's really all for now.
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