Friday, November 9, 2007

Take off your shoes!

Well, I registered for next semester yesterday. I am really excited because I got all of the classes that I wanted and they are all on Tuesday and Thursday. I will have the rest of the week to do my studies and keep up my house. The other bonus is that out of 4 classes I only need 2 books! That is the best news and is going to save us tons of money. So next semester I will have Math, Speech, Psychology, and Art for teachers. I am looking forward to having some new classes and having a change.

Dawn and I went to David's Bridal today and got measured for our bridesmaids dresses for Amy's wedding. They were beautiful and we were both so excited!! Good choice, Amy!!

The boys are good. They have both had colds this week but still went to school. Joey is working on having perfect attendance because Phil had it when he was in 6th grade. They know that because they found the old award in a box down stairs. :-}

So, funny Jimmy story. While we were out trick or treating my niece Ellie ran up to us half crying and saying she didn't want to take off her shoes. We looked at her really surprised and said, "Of course you should not take off your shoes, we are trick or treating outside." She says, "But Jimmy said that we had to take off our shoes." I look up and there is Jimmy with all of his buddies in stockings ringing the person's door bell. I said, "Jimmy what on earth are you doing in you socks?" He says, completely seriously, "The sign on the door says 'TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES'" At this point all of the adults are laughing as I turn to Jimmy and say, "Only if you are going IN their house, Jimmy!!!!" He turns around to look at me, starts to blush and says, "OH!" All of the kids bend down, put their shoes back on and run to the next house. So, if you ever wondered where blond jokes came from, now you know!!!! This is the child that wants to go alone next year???

P.S. Let me know what you think of the new layout. I try to change it up every once and a while.


Anonymous said...

I like the look.
And boy, that kid can really crack you up, and most of the time he's not even going for a laugh!

Jean said...

I love the Jimmy story! I told everyone in my ER training class (ok, there were only 3 of us), but we all got a big kick out of it.

I like the new blog look - very soothing!

Unknown said...

That's a great Jimmy story, Molly. Thanks! :)