I don't want to rant and rave because this blog should be a positive place, however I felt like I needed to write this today......
I hope that everyone really remembers what this day is all about. While we are at our BBQ's and enjoying our day off of work, lets remember why we are doing these things.
I hope that we all say a prayer for the men and women who have lost their lives for the freedom that we enjoy today. Also, say a prayer for their families.
Anyway, I am off of my soap box now! I hope that you have a great day with your family and friends. We will be having a BBQ with my mom, Nana, Mary, Ben, and Danny. I am sure we will have a great time because we always do when we are with them.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
We have some very exciting news to share with you!
Ray and Annie got engaged today!!
He took her out to Grayslake High School where they first met at a wrestling match. Ray had previously contacted a woman at the school and she played along that Ray had an errand he had to do in their gym. She led them in and then pretended she had to leave really quick but would be right back. When she left, Ray asked, and Annie said YES!
No date set yet, but we are all very excited! We have loved Annie and thought of her as family for many years. Now it will be official!!
Ray and Annie got engaged today!!
He took her out to Grayslake High School where they first met at a wrestling match. Ray had previously contacted a woman at the school and she played along that Ray had an errand he had to do in their gym. She led them in and then pretended she had to leave really quick but would be right back. When she left, Ray asked, and Annie said YES!
No date set yet, but we are all very excited! We have loved Annie and thought of her as family for many years. Now it will be official!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Field Day!
Today at school we had Field Day! We all really love this day, teachers and students! The PE teacher sets up tons of events for us to compete in. (I actually saw some that would be really fun at the Family Picnic.) Each class is split up into two groups, team A and team B. At the end of the events the teams get back together and race on a human bridge. (If you are not sure what that is just ask!) After that our points are combined and they figure out a winner.
The teacher and I both ended up almost losing our voices from cheering the kids on all afternoon. I screamed, Go! Go! Go! more times today than ever before. We also ended up very wet from the water games and standing out in that 90 degree heat! It was all worth it though because our class won FIRST PLACE out of the whole 4th grade and got to take the trophy. Woo Hoo!!! Our kids had so much fun and it is so nice to be with them in a different way. We are not just saying sit down and stop talking. Or did you put that in your assignment notebook. I have a few pictures from our day, but I am not sure how parents would feel about me sharing photos with their kids in it. If you are interested I can show you the next time that we are together.
Joey's class won FIRST PLACE for the 5th grade and Jimmy's class took 2nd. I don't know anymore about their days because I work in 4th grade all day. All in all not a bad day for the Gorskis'.
Also on school news, another huge thank you to those of you that supported the boys in their school Fun Run. Joey ended up earning $267.00 and being the top earner in his class which helped them win a pizza party. Jimmy topped that by being the top earner in all of 3rd grade by earning $266.00. He won a $50 gift card to Volcano Falls. (For those of you not from Rockford this is a huge park. Mini golf/ Go-Carts/batting cages/video games/laser tag/ect./ ect) The school earned a total of $21,000 and says with our fall fundraiser we will be able to get our new playground equipment. So again, thank you to everyone who supported them. They really appreciate it!
The teacher and I both ended up almost losing our voices from cheering the kids on all afternoon. I screamed, Go! Go! Go! more times today than ever before. We also ended up very wet from the water games and standing out in that 90 degree heat! It was all worth it though because our class won FIRST PLACE out of the whole 4th grade and got to take the trophy. Woo Hoo!!! Our kids had so much fun and it is so nice to be with them in a different way. We are not just saying sit down and stop talking. Or did you put that in your assignment notebook. I have a few pictures from our day, but I am not sure how parents would feel about me sharing photos with their kids in it. If you are interested I can show you the next time that we are together.
Joey's class won FIRST PLACE for the 5th grade and Jimmy's class took 2nd. I don't know anymore about their days because I work in 4th grade all day. All in all not a bad day for the Gorskis'.
Also on school news, another huge thank you to those of you that supported the boys in their school Fun Run. Joey ended up earning $267.00 and being the top earner in his class which helped them win a pizza party. Jimmy topped that by being the top earner in all of 3rd grade by earning $266.00. He won a $50 gift card to Volcano Falls. (For those of you not from Rockford this is a huge park. Mini golf/ Go-Carts/batting cages/video games/laser tag/ect./ ect) The school earned a total of $21,000 and says with our fall fundraiser we will be able to get our new playground equipment. So again, thank you to everyone who supported them. They really appreciate it!
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing!!
Last night was bittersweet for me. My absolute favorite show ended, but my favorite person won!! I am so glad that Apolo won the competition. After his freestyle I jumped off of the couch and gave them a standing ovation in my living room! Joey was funny and a good entertainer but there was something about Apolo and Juliann! (sp?) They were so cute! Last night when they annouced the winner I shot up again as if there was a spring in the couch. I scared Belle because I was so excited!
I went on line to check out the tour dates and the closest that they are going to come is Peoria on July 15th. Anyone up for a road trip? I don't know much more than the date. I would have to look into ticket prices. If they are way out there, forget it. (afterall in 9 days, I am an unemployed student). If anyone is interested in this I will do the research. That would be so much fun! Let me know!
I went on line to check out the tour dates and the closest that they are going to come is Peoria on July 15th. Anyone up for a road trip? I don't know much more than the date. I would have to look into ticket prices. If they are way out there, forget it. (afterall in 9 days, I am an unemployed student). If anyone is interested in this I will do the research. That would be so much fun! Let me know!
Friday, May 18, 2007
"Do you think they want me on the High School team?"
I have a Jimmy story that I just have to share.
We got home today and I asked him to go and get me the mail. He came running in the house with an absolute glow on his face.
"I got a letter!"
I said, "Wow, that is great. Who sent it to you?"
"The Hononegah Head football coach!" He said with so much excitement that I could never get it across right in writing. Then he said with pure innocence, "Do you think that they want me on the High School Football team, Mom?"
Not wanting to totally burst the poor kids bubble I told him that he should just open it up and see what it was all about.
He started to open it ever so gently then pulled the envelope towards his heart, closed his eyes, and said, "This is just like in the movie Rudy when he gets his letter!"
He continued to open it and found a flyer in there about a football camp that the high school boys run during the summer. He was just as excited about that! He said, "Look Joe, they asked ME to come to their camp. Can you believe it?"
At which time his wise, almost teen aged brother burst his bubble by telling him that they send those out to everyone one signed up for pee-wee football! He didn't say it quite that nice however. There were a couple of Duh's and Dummy's thrown in there somewhere.
Jimmy took the news well and can't wait for camp!!!
We got home today and I asked him to go and get me the mail. He came running in the house with an absolute glow on his face.
"I got a letter!"
I said, "Wow, that is great. Who sent it to you?"
"The Hononegah Head football coach!" He said with so much excitement that I could never get it across right in writing. Then he said with pure innocence, "Do you think that they want me on the High School Football team, Mom?"
Not wanting to totally burst the poor kids bubble I told him that he should just open it up and see what it was all about.
He started to open it ever so gently then pulled the envelope towards his heart, closed his eyes, and said, "This is just like in the movie Rudy when he gets his letter!"
He continued to open it and found a flyer in there about a football camp that the high school boys run during the summer. He was just as excited about that! He said, "Look Joe, they asked ME to come to their camp. Can you believe it?"
At which time his wise, almost teen aged brother burst his bubble by telling him that they send those out to everyone one signed up for pee-wee football! He didn't say it quite that nice however. There were a couple of Duh's and Dummy's thrown in there somewhere.
Jimmy took the news well and can't wait for camp!!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007

These are the pictures of our new pup, Belle. I took them myself so they are a little dark. This was the first week that we brought her home. She is a little bit bigger now. In fact she's 11 weeks old today. I feel like I have a baby again when I refer to age in weeks. So far she is a really good puppy. Some potty accidents but not nearly as bad as it could be. She has a wonderful calm personality that I hope she keeps. I will post more pictures as she grows. Thanks for checking them out!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Good bye Pool!
We took our swimming pool down today and it was a little bitter sweet. I am ready for it to go because it is old and we really don't use it as much now that the boys are older and gone all of the time. However, I have so many good memories of the pool.
When we first got it Joey was only 4 and Jimmy was just 2. They could not even get close to touching the bottom. We had so many pool parties with family and friend. As the boys have gotten older they would have friends over and just last year it got so that I didn't have to sit right on the deck as they were swimming because everyone could finally touch. I have tons of photos of the boys over the years in the pool.
We all know that it is better to have it gone but it was still hard coming home today and seeing an empty yard. It will save us so much money on chemicals this summer which will help with the tightening of the budget. It will also save Phil time because he was the one that kept up all of the maintenance on the pool.
Our plans for right now are to put our outdoor fireplace there. We'll see.
When we first got it Joey was only 4 and Jimmy was just 2. They could not even get close to touching the bottom. We had so many pool parties with family and friend. As the boys have gotten older they would have friends over and just last year it got so that I didn't have to sit right on the deck as they were swimming because everyone could finally touch. I have tons of photos of the boys over the years in the pool.
We all know that it is better to have it gone but it was still hard coming home today and seeing an empty yard. It will save us so much money on chemicals this summer which will help with the tightening of the budget. It will also save Phil time because he was the one that kept up all of the maintenance on the pool.
Our plans for right now are to put our outdoor fireplace there. We'll see.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Well I decided that after two years of reading everyone else's blog, I'd better join the bandwagon. I can't promise that I will have a whole lot to say all of the time, but I will certainly try.
I guess that I should begin with a little catch up. I know you all know our family but here's where all of us are right now.
Phil is still working at Huntsman, and yes he still has CRAZY hours! He works 12 hour shifts with one month on days and one month on nights. Trust me, that gets really old. He does like what he does though so he puts up with the hours. His photography buisness is doing spectacular! I am so proud of him that I could bust. He has weddings booked for summer and fall, senior pictures, and family portraits. It couldn't be better!
Joey is 11 years old and is about to finish 5th grade. He is thrilled about moving on to middle school. I do not share that same excitement. He is as tall as me right now so I have started wearing tall shoes a lot. For the summer he is in baseball. The games start tonight and will go through August. He usually plays 1st or 2nd base. His favorite position though is catcher. He has become quite a social guy on top of everything else. For example, this past weekend he had plans for every second of every day. He has also started babysitting this year. He watches Jimmy for us, which has been wonderful. We have been able to get out and be a couple again. He also watches Danny for Mary and Ben and has been watching some boys down the street for a friend of mine. He is really good with the little kids and loves the extra money. I am pretty sure now that grass cutting season has arrived he will slow down on the babysitting and make money mowing lawns.
Jimmy is 9 years old and is ending 3rd grade. He is becoming his own little person for sure. He is 100% athlete and sports fanatic. He has a baseball or football in his hands at all times. We are always saying, "Jimmy stop throwing the football around the house!" He is also always talking about sports. "Today on Sports Center they said...." or "Hey Mom, guess how many touch downs Groosman threw in his rookie year." I told him last week that he could not tell me one more statistic unless he could spell his whole spelling list to me. Needless to say, I didn't hear stats for a week. He too will play baseball this summer and starts Tuesday evening. He plays pitcher and 1st base. He will be in football in the fall.
I guess that leaves me. Well I am pretty much the same as always, just busier. I am still working as a classroom aide up at the school but only until the end of this year. Next fall I am going to school full time to earn my degree in elementary education. I have been going part time while working full time and it is just not working for our family. The time with my kids is just too precious for me and I am not willing to miss any of it. So the choice came down to not going to school at all and just working, or not working at all and just going to school. We are willing to bite the bullet and pull in the purse strings for four years so that I can have a degree. It will be tough but we can manage. When I am not working I am running around with the kids to their events.
We also have a new member of our family. Belle is our new English Springer Spaniel puppy. She turned 10 weeks old on Saturday. So far she has been a really good puppy. (knock on wood!)
So that is us and where we are in our lives right now. I hope that we are interesting enough to read about.
I guess that I should begin with a little catch up. I know you all know our family but here's where all of us are right now.
Phil is still working at Huntsman, and yes he still has CRAZY hours! He works 12 hour shifts with one month on days and one month on nights. Trust me, that gets really old. He does like what he does though so he puts up with the hours. His photography buisness is doing spectacular! I am so proud of him that I could bust. He has weddings booked for summer and fall, senior pictures, and family portraits. It couldn't be better!
Joey is 11 years old and is about to finish 5th grade. He is thrilled about moving on to middle school. I do not share that same excitement. He is as tall as me right now so I have started wearing tall shoes a lot. For the summer he is in baseball. The games start tonight and will go through August. He usually plays 1st or 2nd base. His favorite position though is catcher. He has become quite a social guy on top of everything else. For example, this past weekend he had plans for every second of every day. He has also started babysitting this year. He watches Jimmy for us, which has been wonderful. We have been able to get out and be a couple again. He also watches Danny for Mary and Ben and has been watching some boys down the street for a friend of mine. He is really good with the little kids and loves the extra money. I am pretty sure now that grass cutting season has arrived he will slow down on the babysitting and make money mowing lawns.
Jimmy is 9 years old and is ending 3rd grade. He is becoming his own little person for sure. He is 100% athlete and sports fanatic. He has a baseball or football in his hands at all times. We are always saying, "Jimmy stop throwing the football around the house!" He is also always talking about sports. "Today on Sports Center they said...." or "Hey Mom, guess how many touch downs Groosman threw in his rookie year." I told him last week that he could not tell me one more statistic unless he could spell his whole spelling list to me. Needless to say, I didn't hear stats for a week. He too will play baseball this summer and starts Tuesday evening. He plays pitcher and 1st base. He will be in football in the fall.
I guess that leaves me. Well I am pretty much the same as always, just busier. I am still working as a classroom aide up at the school but only until the end of this year. Next fall I am going to school full time to earn my degree in elementary education. I have been going part time while working full time and it is just not working for our family. The time with my kids is just too precious for me and I am not willing to miss any of it. So the choice came down to not going to school at all and just working, or not working at all and just going to school. We are willing to bite the bullet and pull in the purse strings for four years so that I can have a degree. It will be tough but we can manage. When I am not working I am running around with the kids to their events.
We also have a new member of our family. Belle is our new English Springer Spaniel puppy. She turned 10 weeks old on Saturday. So far she has been a really good puppy. (knock on wood!)
So that is us and where we are in our lives right now. I hope that we are interesting enough to read about.
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