Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer is almost here!

Hello everyone! I know that I haven't been on here in a while. Here's what's been happening...

Most of you know that Phil has an online radio show that he does. He does a really good job and loves it. Well, on Monday night he got a chance to interview a real TV celebrity. He talked to one of the captains from the Discovery show The Deadliest Catch!! It was the captain that brought his wife along with him on his ship and ended up losing a bet to her. He talked to them for 2 hours on his show and was able to get answers to many questions that we had. It was so fun and I was so proud of him. Thank you to those of you that tuned in! This Friday he and Ben are going to NY to stay in a Haunted Hotel. He is going to do a show on Saturday night while they are on an investigation. It will be like having a TAPS show on the radio. If you are interested I will send you a link so that you can tune it.

I have had the last couple of weeks off which has been awesome! I really got to relax my brain and now I feel ready for my summer math class.! Hip, Hip, Hurray!! Besides resting and getting the house in some order I have been up at the schools doing end of the year things. Phil and I were just up there in fact for Jimmy's field day. I will post some pictures of that some time soon. Also I have been out at the ball field four nights a week. (2 nights each)

Last Friday Joe went on a field trip with the band. They started at Johnsburg High School for a competition and then went on to Great America. His school scored a superior at the competition which is the highest score available. When I picked him up at 9 that night he was exhausted but couldn't stop talking about what a great time he had. The first thing he said when he got in the car was that it was awesome because they spent the whole day without any adults!! He said that he went on every ride except for the Raging Bull. The place was so empty that when a couple of rides ended they got to stay in their seats and go again because no one was in line for their seats. He is enjoying baseball. Right now his team is 3/4. Not too bad since last year this same team took last place!!

Praise the Lord, he finally got his hair cut! It is nice and short with spiked up bangs. The best thing about it is that I didn't force him to do it. On the way home from one of his games he asked me if I would take him to get his hair cut because the catchers mask kept pulling his hair. I didn't hesitate in saying YES!! The next day as soon as he got off of the bus I was sitting in the van ready to go. He said that he is loving the short hair again! Jim is VERY ready for summer, we all know that he is just not a school kid. He is having an awesome season of baseball. So far his team is undefeated!

Phil and Joe planted some new trees in our backyard the other day. If you remember our backyard it is very empty because we used to have the pool and we didn't want leaves and things in there. Now that we took the pool down we felt like we needed something out there. We chose two baby maple trees and truth be told when they finally fill out and look just right, we'll be downsizing! That's ok though because Phil and Joe had a fun time planting them and you can't take back memories like that. Also so far Joe has been quite the gardener out there everyday with the hose, so maybe he found another hobby!!

The boys are done with school on June 3rd and I can't wait! I just love it when we are all off and we can stay up late together or go places during the day!

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