Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things are looking up!

We have been so blessed!! I know that sounds corny but you would not believe the way that our luck has changed. Phil was able to fix our washing machine with just a little $7.00 part; just as we were removing the toilet to bring it to the garage the cap fell out; and Phil was able to get a temporary fix on his car! If that is not the power of prayer I don't know what is!

On Friday Jimmy and I went to see High School Musical 3! Both of us are huge fans of the series and have had this on the calendar since we found out the premier date. We watched the first two during the week before so that we would have it fresh in our minds. (It was also just a really good excuse to watch them on a busy weeknight when we usually don't watch a lot of movies) I picked him up after school and we went right to see the matinee! Our review..... it was the BEST ONE YET!!! We talked about it and sang the songs all of the way home. We are going to get the soundtrack the next time that we are at the store! We were a little sad at the end because according to all of the actors this will be the last one! I sure hope that they change their minds. I really enjoy the movies because I have loved musicals my entire life and I am so glad to share this love with Jimmy. I know the critics don't like it because the story lines are simple but maybe that is why I love it even more. Times are hard enough right now, I don't mind 2 simple hours of singing and dancing. So, if you saw the first two and liked them at all, you will enjoy this move. If you saw the first two and loved them they way that we did, you will LOVE this movie! Besides even if you only go for your kids, watching Zac Efron for 2 hours will make it worth it to you...what a cutie he is!!

Mary, Ben, and Danny came down today and we went to Edward's Apple Orchard. Sadly, the apple picking was closed for some reason but everything else was still open so we still had fun. Danny got to ride a pony, Jimmy and Danny played at the playground, we ate apple donuts and had hot apple cider. Phil and Ben also decided to try something new to all of us...Apple Pie with Cheese on top. The sight of it made my stomach turn but both of them enjoyed it. Whle we were there a news crew was filming a segment on the orchard. Jimmy noticed their cameras and placed himself right in the background pretending to be really into the pumpkins. Well it worked because there he was on the 10:00 news behind the woman who was being interviewed. What a ham!!

After the orchard we came back to our house and had a big spaghetti and meatball dinner. Then we played some Wii fit and all got a good laugh watching each other. They headed home just a little while ago. I am so glad that we get together as often as we do because we all have such a good time when we are together.

Tomorrow we are going to rest, rest, rest! I love a lazy Sunday. I hope all of you are well!

Later Gators!


Anonymous said...

I am so gald things are looking up! Sounds like you had a pretty great weekend!

Katers said...

Hey Molly,

Glad things are starting to go your way! I love musicals too, but have not branched into the HSM arena yet...I figure my time will come soon enough!

Amy said...

Thank God things worked out as they did. I think it's great that you and Jimmy have that to share. I can honestly say I've seen none of the HSM movies, or even the series!