Birthday...On June 5th I turned 31! I know that it's not old, in fact it's not even close to old. However, it is an age that I can remember thinking was old when I was younger. Anything over 30 sounded old to me and now I am not just 30 I am officially over 30! I spent my birthday where else but the baseball field for one of Joey's games. After the game we went to get some ice cream at a little place I love in Rockton. All in all it was a nice day.
Anniversary...On June 14th Phil and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. We actually didn't have a lot of time in the schedule to celebrate because Jimmy had a tournament game all day and that night we had to go to a Quinceanera for someone at Phil's work. Earlier in the day though I went down in the basement and read all of the cards that had been given to us on that day, we looked at our wedding photos, and I watched a little bit of the video. It is amazing what 11 years has done to both of us. At the wedding I had just turned twenty 9 days earlier, I was a size 8, I had red hair, and I truly believed that it was impossible to be more in love with Phil than I was that day at the alter. At the wedding Phil was only 21, weighed in at 185 lbs, and had every hair on his head! Well today we are older, neither of us is close to the weight we were, I have gone back to my roots with mousy brown hair while he has lost quite a few of his hairs, and life has thrown us some twists and turns that at 20 and 21 we just didn't see coming. I have also beat the impossible because I do love him more than I did that day. Yes on that day he was young and looking good but something is to be said about taking the twists and turns of life and staying by each other's sides. Truth be told we have had many more happy times than hard times, but the hard times have been there. Either of us could have jumped ship and said it was just too hard, but we haven't. I love him for that! So, as we have changed on the outside our hearts have changed too because we are more in love today than we were 11 years ago. Here's to the next 11 and beyond!
Father's Day... June 15th was Father's Day. The boys and I took Phil to a Rockford Riverhawks game. Father's were allowed to take their children out on the field for a half hour and play catch before the game started. Then we watched the Riverhawks barely win in the 9th inning 9/8. After the game Father's got to run the bases with their children. Phil and the boys really loved playing catch and running the bases out on the field. We love going to those games because the players are so cool too. They were really good with all of the kids there signing ball and mitts and just talking to the kids. When we got home we watched National Treasure 2 and ate some Ice Cream. It was a nice relaxing day for all of us especially Phil for whom nice relaxing days are far and few between. I hope that all of the wonderful father's out there had just as nice of days with their families!!
My scanner isn't working great but here are a few pictures of us 11 years ago...

How sweet it, Mom
Happy Anniversary Molly, you guys look so cute (and young!)
Congratulations Molly! By Hollywood standards, you guys would be a legend!
You always write great blogs that put a smile on my face. I am so happy for you and Phil, and doing a great job at raising 2 wonderful boys. I love the pics. I will always remember your wedding because it was so much fun and who could forget the little people. It does not seem like 11 years ago though. It seems like 5 years ago.
Those pix are so great, Molly! Happy birthday and anniversary and all that good stuff. See you this weekend?
You look beautiful in your wedding pictures. Wish I could have been there for that day! You are an amazing couple and a great example for your boys!
Hey Molly! I'm so sorry we had to miss the wedding but we will be there for Ray's! It sounds like it was a blast.
Also belated congratulations and happy birthday!! As I have May anniv and also June bday I totally understand the neverending parade of celebrations in late spring, especially now we're parents. Enjoy the rest of your summer, see you in August...
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