Over the weekend Phil and I went down to Chicago to attend my cousin Tom's wedding to his new wife Julie. The mass was beautiful from little three year old Jack, the adorable ring bearer, and his shamrock pillow to the awesome bag pipes and drums that lead the bride and groom away from the alter.
The reception though was once again the best part of the whole day. Phil and I have been to many weddings with his photography business and we have decided that there is no better wedding, for us, than a Ryan wedding. The food was delicious then the dance floor was at full capacity with awesome tunes being played and the company couldn't be beat. The liquor was flowing fast from the open bar but you would never know it because when you looked around the room all that you saw were fun, happy people giggling over old stories or sharing new ones. Once again my aunts and uncles rocked the dance floor with all of us and some of them even lasted longer than the people my age. Even Nana got up to dance for a few of the songs. In the middle of the dancing they announced that out in the hall they had opened a "Chicago Style Hot Dog Stand"! They were so good and such a unique touch to the wedding. When you have 35 first cousins like we do it gets tough to think of things that no one has seen or done before. Well, Tom and Julie did that with their hot dogs. Everyone that I was with had at least one dog and some of them had even more. It was very much appreciated by the all of us.
When the reception ended at 1:00 we shuttled back to the hotel on the late bus and continued the party as we always do. My Aunt Nonie and Uncle Gary hosted all of us in their hotel room where we stayed and chatted and laughed until close to 4 a.m.
So, to Tom and Julie Ryan, thanks for another great family wedding and may you both have a happy and wonderful life together!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Birthday, Anniversary, and Father's Day...OH MY!!
The beginning of June is always busy for us. First we have my birthday, then our anniversary and then Father's Day.
Birthday...On June 5th I turned 31! I know that it's not old, in fact it's not even close to old. However, it is an age that I can remember thinking was old when I was younger. Anything over 30 sounded old to me and now I am not just 30 I am officially over 30! I spent my birthday where else but the baseball field for one of Joey's games. After the game we went to get some ice cream at a little place I love in Rockton. All in all it was a nice day.
Anniversary...On June 14th Phil and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. We actually didn't have a lot of time in the schedule to celebrate because Jimmy had a tournament game all day and that night we had to go to a Quinceanera for someone at Phil's work. Earlier in the day though I went down in the basement and read all of the cards that had been given to us on that day, we looked at our wedding photos, and I watched a little bit of the video. It is amazing what 11 years has done to both of us. At the wedding I had just turned twenty 9 days earlier, I was a size 8, I had red hair, and I truly believed that it was impossible to be more in love with Phil than I was that day at the alter. At the wedding Phil was only 21, weighed in at 185 lbs, and had every hair on his head! Well today we are older, neither of us is close to the weight we were, I have gone back to my roots with mousy brown hair while he has lost quite a few of his hairs, and life has thrown us some twists and turns that at 20 and 21 we just didn't see coming. I have also beat the impossible because I do love him more than I did that day. Yes on that day he was young and looking good but something is to be said about taking the twists and turns of life and staying by each other's sides. Truth be told we have had many more happy times than hard times, but the hard times have been there. Either of us could have jumped ship and said it was just too hard, but we haven't. I love him for that! So, as we have changed on the outside our hearts have changed too because we are more in love today than we were 11 years ago. Here's to the next 11 and beyond!
Father's Day... June 15th was Father's Day. The boys and I took Phil to a Rockford Riverhawks game. Father's were allowed to take their children out on the field for a half hour and play catch before the game started. Then we watched the Riverhawks barely win in the 9th inning 9/8. After the game Father's got to run the bases with their children. Phil and the boys really loved playing catch and running the bases out on the field. We love going to those games because the players are so cool too. They were really good with all of the kids there signing ball and mitts and just talking to the kids. When we got home we watched National Treasure 2 and ate some Ice Cream. It was a nice relaxing day for all of us especially Phil for whom nice relaxing days are far and few between. I hope that all of the wonderful father's out there had just as nice of days with their families!!
My scanner isn't working great but here are a few pictures of us 11 years ago...

Until next time.... Later Gators!
Birthday...On June 5th I turned 31! I know that it's not old, in fact it's not even close to old. However, it is an age that I can remember thinking was old when I was younger. Anything over 30 sounded old to me and now I am not just 30 I am officially over 30! I spent my birthday where else but the baseball field for one of Joey's games. After the game we went to get some ice cream at a little place I love in Rockton. All in all it was a nice day.
Anniversary...On June 14th Phil and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. We actually didn't have a lot of time in the schedule to celebrate because Jimmy had a tournament game all day and that night we had to go to a Quinceanera for someone at Phil's work. Earlier in the day though I went down in the basement and read all of the cards that had been given to us on that day, we looked at our wedding photos, and I watched a little bit of the video. It is amazing what 11 years has done to both of us. At the wedding I had just turned twenty 9 days earlier, I was a size 8, I had red hair, and I truly believed that it was impossible to be more in love with Phil than I was that day at the alter. At the wedding Phil was only 21, weighed in at 185 lbs, and had every hair on his head! Well today we are older, neither of us is close to the weight we were, I have gone back to my roots with mousy brown hair while he has lost quite a few of his hairs, and life has thrown us some twists and turns that at 20 and 21 we just didn't see coming. I have also beat the impossible because I do love him more than I did that day. Yes on that day he was young and looking good but something is to be said about taking the twists and turns of life and staying by each other's sides. Truth be told we have had many more happy times than hard times, but the hard times have been there. Either of us could have jumped ship and said it was just too hard, but we haven't. I love him for that! So, as we have changed on the outside our hearts have changed too because we are more in love today than we were 11 years ago. Here's to the next 11 and beyond!
Father's Day... June 15th was Father's Day. The boys and I took Phil to a Rockford Riverhawks game. Father's were allowed to take their children out on the field for a half hour and play catch before the game started. Then we watched the Riverhawks barely win in the 9th inning 9/8. After the game Father's got to run the bases with their children. Phil and the boys really loved playing catch and running the bases out on the field. We love going to those games because the players are so cool too. They were really good with all of the kids there signing ball and mitts and just talking to the kids. When we got home we watched National Treasure 2 and ate some Ice Cream. It was a nice relaxing day for all of us especially Phil for whom nice relaxing days are far and few between. I hope that all of the wonderful father's out there had just as nice of days with their families!!
My scanner isn't working great but here are a few pictures of us 11 years ago...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Zoo Madness and the end of another school year!!
Ok, get the tune ready...
The boys are now officially in 5th and 7th grade! WoW! Now we can do what we love, stay up late and sleep in the next day!! No more, "Do you have homework?" "Let me check your take home folder", "How many AR points do you have?" ect. ect.! Woo Hoo!!
Now on to Zoo madness...
Yesterday I went on the Fourth Grade field trip to Madison Zoo with Jimmy's class. Since I had worked in the school just last year and because I know Jimmy's teacher so well, she felt comfortable putting the, shall we say, "naughty" boy in my group. I know this boy from last year and I know his background story so I know what discipline to use and when it is necessary! To give a little background he has not had a good childhood. Both parents have been in and out of prison for very bad crimes and he is currently living with his grandmother because they are there again!! The many tragedies of his childhood have turned him into a perpetual liar and a boy that likes to run away, just to name a few traits. Well, I knew all of that so I was more than ready, so I thought!
We arrived at the zoo and started off to see whatever animals the 5 boys wanted to see. Every single place we went he would do his very best to try and get away from me. I ended up having my hand on his shoulder most of the morning until he started to wiggle away from even that. At that point I told him that if he got more than 6 feet away from our group in a crowd I was going to hold his hand the rest of the day. Guess what, within 2 minutes he became my hand buddy!! Also , during this whole time he was telling me what a mean helper I was because I wouldn't buy him ice cream, pop, or toys at the store.
Towards the end of the day we had seen all of the animals and the boys wanted to play at the new playground. There is a 3 foot entrance / exit to the playground so I felt safe letting all 5 boys go in and play without me holding any more hands. I then sat myself right in front of the entrance with my eyes watching everyone that went in or out. I was doing that until a huge group of students came rushing in at the same time and for about 10 seconds I couldn't see the whole gate. I got a bad feeling about this so I called Jimmy over and told him to find our group of 5 so that I could do a head count. Well, you guessed it, four of them were in front of me almost immediately and the one boy was GONE!! I screamed his name a couple of times and when he couldn't be found I called the teacher and the other moms that were with us. Lucky for me the teacher was standing right near the other teachers, a few bus drivers, and some of the other parents! Everyone scattered and went looking for him. After what felt like forever, but according to my outgoing and incoming calls on the cell phone was only four minutes, he was found begging a vendor for some free ice cream.
I had held myself together for the entire time that we were looking for him but once we found him I just started to cry! Not a bawl, but a cry of fear and relief!! That was so scary to think that I had lost a child that I was responsible for. When he was asked why he did that he at first told the teacher that I had said it was ok to leave. He then said that another parent told him to go with her. He finally admitted that he saw the group of kids running in and snuck past them. I was feeling so horrible but the teachers assured me that it was not my fault and that it had happened on the last field trip to the actual teacher. Who would have thought that he would sneak away even with me sitting there watching like that.
After I got over the feeling of relief I was feeling ANGRY. I was so pissed off at this kid who had the nerve to act this way when people were just trying to be kind to him and help him to have a good day. Then I had to have a little chat with myself and remind myself that I have no idea what it would be like to have lived his life. I had to remind myself to just be grateful that my boys are not like this and to think of his poor grandmother who has had this put upon her to deal with. I also reminded myself that Jimmy's poor teacher, and my friend, had been putting up with this B.S. all year long and I only had to deal with it for the day! That made me feel better.
When I got to school today to help run the fourth grade picnic lunch and ice cream social a friend of mine and a fellow chaperone at the zoo gave me the funniest card and a Dove candy bar. (my fav!) On the front is a hand and it says wave this card back and forth. Then you open it up and it says "This is me waving hello!" She had scratched out the word hello and written, "This is me waving... I found John Doe*" We passed the card around to all of the other teachers and moms that had been on the "hunt" and everyone had a pretty good laugh about it. Then as we were serving ice cream he came up to me, put his bowl in front of my face and said, "Whip me!" He was of course demanding whip cream but all of the moms started laughing and one told him, "You better watch it, she might actually WHIP YOU!" He totally didn't get it and just walked away!!
Alas, that day is behind us and the school year is now done. Yet another year gone by so quickly. Fifth grade is going to be Jimmy's last year of elementary school, the first year that he goes trick or treating alone, his first overnight field trip with the school, and more than likely the last year he will want me "hanging around" as his room mom! For Joey seventh grade will mean that he is half way through middle school, he will finally get the cell phone he has been begging for, he will join even more clubs & be home even less, and this is the year that he turns 13. To quote Scarlett O'Hara "I won't think about that right now, I will think about that tomorrow." For now I will just enjoy the benefits of summer; our time together with family, the warm weather, picnics, bike rides, baseball, and so much more. I hope that all of you do too. Happy Summer.
*Name was changed to protect the "innocent" :)
The boys are now officially in 5th and 7th grade! WoW! Now we can do what we love, stay up late and sleep in the next day!! No more, "Do you have homework?" "Let me check your take home folder", "How many AR points do you have?" ect. ect.! Woo Hoo!!
Now on to Zoo madness...
Yesterday I went on the Fourth Grade field trip to Madison Zoo with Jimmy's class. Since I had worked in the school just last year and because I know Jimmy's teacher so well, she felt comfortable putting the, shall we say, "naughty" boy in my group. I know this boy from last year and I know his background story so I know what discipline to use and when it is necessary! To give a little background he has not had a good childhood. Both parents have been in and out of prison for very bad crimes and he is currently living with his grandmother because they are there again!! The many tragedies of his childhood have turned him into a perpetual liar and a boy that likes to run away, just to name a few traits. Well, I knew all of that so I was more than ready, so I thought!
We arrived at the zoo and started off to see whatever animals the 5 boys wanted to see. Every single place we went he would do his very best to try and get away from me. I ended up having my hand on his shoulder most of the morning until he started to wiggle away from even that. At that point I told him that if he got more than 6 feet away from our group in a crowd I was going to hold his hand the rest of the day. Guess what, within 2 minutes he became my hand buddy!! Also , during this whole time he was telling me what a mean helper I was because I wouldn't buy him ice cream, pop, or toys at the store.
Towards the end of the day we had seen all of the animals and the boys wanted to play at the new playground. There is a 3 foot entrance / exit to the playground so I felt safe letting all 5 boys go in and play without me holding any more hands. I then sat myself right in front of the entrance with my eyes watching everyone that went in or out. I was doing that until a huge group of students came rushing in at the same time and for about 10 seconds I couldn't see the whole gate. I got a bad feeling about this so I called Jimmy over and told him to find our group of 5 so that I could do a head count. Well, you guessed it, four of them were in front of me almost immediately and the one boy was GONE!! I screamed his name a couple of times and when he couldn't be found I called the teacher and the other moms that were with us. Lucky for me the teacher was standing right near the other teachers, a few bus drivers, and some of the other parents! Everyone scattered and went looking for him. After what felt like forever, but according to my outgoing and incoming calls on the cell phone was only four minutes, he was found begging a vendor for some free ice cream.
I had held myself together for the entire time that we were looking for him but once we found him I just started to cry! Not a bawl, but a cry of fear and relief!! That was so scary to think that I had lost a child that I was responsible for. When he was asked why he did that he at first told the teacher that I had said it was ok to leave. He then said that another parent told him to go with her. He finally admitted that he saw the group of kids running in and snuck past them. I was feeling so horrible but the teachers assured me that it was not my fault and that it had happened on the last field trip to the actual teacher. Who would have thought that he would sneak away even with me sitting there watching like that.
After I got over the feeling of relief I was feeling ANGRY. I was so pissed off at this kid who had the nerve to act this way when people were just trying to be kind to him and help him to have a good day. Then I had to have a little chat with myself and remind myself that I have no idea what it would be like to have lived his life. I had to remind myself to just be grateful that my boys are not like this and to think of his poor grandmother who has had this put upon her to deal with. I also reminded myself that Jimmy's poor teacher, and my friend, had been putting up with this B.S. all year long and I only had to deal with it for the day! That made me feel better.
When I got to school today to help run the fourth grade picnic lunch and ice cream social a friend of mine and a fellow chaperone at the zoo gave me the funniest card and a Dove candy bar. (my fav!) On the front is a hand and it says wave this card back and forth. Then you open it up and it says "This is me waving hello!" She had scratched out the word hello and written, "This is me waving... I found John Doe*" We passed the card around to all of the other teachers and moms that had been on the "hunt" and everyone had a pretty good laugh about it. Then as we were serving ice cream he came up to me, put his bowl in front of my face and said, "Whip me!" He was of course demanding whip cream but all of the moms started laughing and one told him, "You better watch it, she might actually WHIP YOU!" He totally didn't get it and just walked away!!
Alas, that day is behind us and the school year is now done. Yet another year gone by so quickly. Fifth grade is going to be Jimmy's last year of elementary school, the first year that he goes trick or treating alone, his first overnight field trip with the school, and more than likely the last year he will want me "hanging around" as his room mom! For Joey seventh grade will mean that he is half way through middle school, he will finally get the cell phone he has been begging for, he will join even more clubs & be home even less, and this is the year that he turns 13. To quote Scarlett O'Hara "I won't think about that right now, I will think about that tomorrow." For now I will just enjoy the benefits of summer; our time together with family, the warm weather, picnics, bike rides, baseball, and so much more. I hope that all of you do too. Happy Summer.
*Name was changed to protect the "innocent" :)
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