Good morning everyone! Or afternoon or evening depending on when you are reading this. Today is going to be super crazy for me but I am going to enjoy every second. I have school until 12:00. I have to rush out of there and pick up a few last min things for Jimmy's classroom party. Speed over to Jimmy's school and run his party.
Then we need to hurry home do all of the homework that they have and get everyone in costumes for trick or treating. This won't be as big of a deal as it used to be because the boys are pretty much on their own for that. We will then spend all evening trick or treating and visiting with friends and neighbors. We will get home again around 8 pm. We will finish up the boys homework, get them ready for tomorrow and get them in bed aroudnd 9. Then, I get to start my 2-3 hours of math homework. Pray for me! I can already predict that Belle will not be getting her 5 am walk tomorrow, I will be too tired.
I am going to enjoy every second of this because this is my last year to go trick or treating. We let Joey go alone for the first time last year when he was in 5th grade and Jimmy hasn't forgotten it. He has mentioned it many times this month that he IS going alone next year just like Joey did. So, another chapter in my life is about to close. That is the thing with Jimmy, every one of his lasts are my lasts too and we have totally seperate emotions about it. He is thrilled that this is his last year and all that I can do is remember that little baby dressed like Pooh Bear that wouldn't even walk up to a door without me!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Where have I been???
I can not believe that it has been almost a month since I last blogged. Thanks for the scolding, Amy! Life has been crazy, crazy, crazy around here. It just doesn't feel like there is a spare second in the day. So, I will update you by family member.
Phil has officially quit smoking and I am so proud of him. He has gone with the patch which is doing some really crazy things to him. He said that he is having the strangest dreams since he has been on it and we have talked to other people who experienced the same thing. He is going on day 4 now and it actually seems to be getting harder on him instead of easier. He's doing it though and the boys and I could not be happier.
I got my mid term grades the other day. Two A's and two B's! I would love to pull those B's up to A's so I will have to work extra hard in Biology and Math.
I have started yet another diet. I am sure that it will be blown on Saturday at the party, but at least I tried right!? I just need to be more disciplined with myself which all sounds great until I see the food or pass the coffee shop at school. I just can't resist a huge plate of pasta or bowl of ice cream or my French Vanilla Latte. I honestly think that if I lived alone I could do it because I just wouldn't have those things in the house. However Phil is not ready to give those things up so they are all over the house. I have been up and down so many times in my life and I just wish that I could find the diet that would work for me. Ahhh, someday! Not too much else is going on with me.
Joey is doing great in school. He has another dance tonight which he is excited about because he had a lot of fun at the last one. He is getting pretty good at playing his sax. No mind you it is only Mary Had a Little Lamb, but you can tell that he is comfortable with the instrument and the notes are just flowing out of his hands. It isns't like he has to sit and think about each note as he goes along. He sees it on the page and just knows. I think that is great because I never had a talant for any instrument. He will have a Christmas concert in December and I can't wait to see how the whole band has done.
Jimmy is also doing well. His football season ened last Saturday on a good note because they won the game in overtime. The over all season wasn't that great, we lost 6 and won 2. Jimmy only got to experience a win one time because the other win was on the day of Mary's wedding. He went on a field trip yesterday to Midway Village. Midway Villge is litterally a step back in time to the 1890's. It is the size of a village with homes and the old time bank and merchantile. There is also a one room school house where the kids spend half of their day doing their regular lessons in old time style. Writing on slates and getting the dunce cap. The kids went to school dressed for the times too which is so fun. All of the girls looked like Laura Ingalls Wilder. They even had to bring their lunch that way. The only thing that we had for Jimmy was a plastic coffee container because we don't buy the metal ones anymore. Besides that and his Converse shoes he looked the part. All of the tour guides there are great because they never step out of their roll. Jimy said that a boy in his class mentioned his PS2 and the lady looked at him like he was from outer space and asked him why he was talking with letters and number mixed together. He tried to explain which just got him in deeper because she pretended not to know of a T.V. or a controller, ect. ect. The kids got a lot out of the trip. I am posting a picture on here and I hope that it ends up right. (I have tried and tried and I can not get the pictures at the end of my post. So, scroll back up and now those pictures will make more sense!!!)
Well that's all of the Gorski Happenings for now. I really promise to try to be better.
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