Well it has been a whole month since I was on here to blog. Summer just got away from me and I was super busy. Not with anything important, just busy.
So, what have we been up to?
Well Jimmy started with football on July 30th. He had practice 5 days a week for 2 hours. Most kids complain quite a bit about this. In fact when Joey was in it we had to drag him there every day, many times with tears. I was all geared up for the fact that Jimmy would react in much the same way. I had a speach all prepared in my head about how proud I was of him and what dedication it showed to tough it out. Instead he got in the car after the first day, which was very hard conditioning, and declared I LOVE IT! He went on and on about how it really pumped him up when the coaches were yelling, and how totally awesome it was that they called him Gorski and not Jimmy! They have trimmed the practice down to 3 days a week, 2 hours a day now that school has started. He still can not get enough.
Sadly we are all back in school. I started Monday and the boys started on Wednesday. It was really sad for both Phil and me. We have never been the parents counting down the days of summer waiting for the kids to go back to school. That is not to say that our kids are perfect and never get on our nerves! Its just that we love the flexibility of summer. No bed times, no schedules! No signing assignment notebooks and checking homework folders. Also Phil gets to see the boys a lot more in the summer because summer hours are much more condusive to his crazy work hours! Plus, we really do love being with them. The four of us have a good time when we are together! It was really sad to say goodbye to another summer! :(
On the flip side Joey is really loving being in middle school. He loves that fact that he changes classes every 45 min. He has two lockers, a hall locker and a gym locker. Thanks to the fact that his
annoying mother had him practice with a lock all summer he had no problems opening either of them. (Wow what a brilliant annoying mother he has!) He also loves the fact that he has P.E. every day. He is a middle school student for sure! I will prove it with the first day of school pictures that I took which I will post later. He refused to smile and kept begging me to leave the bus stop and go home! Someday he will appreciate the fact that I have been so picture crazy his whole life. Jimmy enjoying 4th grade as much as Joey is enjoying 6th. He said that he has the best teacher ever! He ended up with 3 friends in his class which could be pretty scary because he can be quite the Chatty Cathy. We will see. His teacher is a friend of mine so I will find out right away if there is trouble.
So that is what's new with us. I promise that I will try to be much better about this now!